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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

A quick translation from someone over on the Disgaea 3 boards at GameFAQs. It seems like some of these will be challenging and none have to do with the main storyline at all! Looking at it more closely, you could probably achieve all of this without having to restart the game completely over.


- Clear LoC Item World from floor 1 to 100 without exiting.

- During Reverse Pirating, collect all innocents, treasures, and level spheres on the map

- Deal 10 billion damage


- Find the Trophy Room in 90+ Item World

- Defeat Prinny Pirates

- Defeat Diez Gents Pirates

- Defeat Ball Pirates

- During Reverse Pirating, collect all innocents


- Clear Item World from floor 1 to 100 without exiting.

- There are 21 bronze trophies for defeating each pirate.

- In Item World's Tower room, speak with the Cat at the top.

- During Reverse Pirating, collect all treasures

- Deal 100 million damage

- Deal 1 million damage

- Perform 9 counters in a row

- Achieve 5 color chains with geopanels

- Play for a 10 hours session

- Defeat an unit in battle with a 10-hit combo

- Perform 100 jumps

- Defeat an unit in battle with a 10-unit tower attack

- Find Akutare/Axel in the Item World

- Pass a homeroom proposal by force

- Achieve 255 turn stationary bonus.

- Capture an enemy

- Perform 5 magichanges in battle

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Arcturus, I just realised that you put me down for platinum on Prince of Persia twice and didn't put me on the list of plats for Alone in the Dark.

PS3 Trophies



Solid_Raiden said:
Arcturus, I just realised that you put me down for platinum on Prince of Persia twice and didn't put me on the list of plats for Alone in the Dark.

oops, thanks for catching that. I'll fix it.


No problem. And your doing a damn awesome job on this. I and everyone else apreciate it. ;)

PS3 Trophies



Thanks Solid_Raiden! My process for tracking and added in platinum trophy information isn't very refined, so it's still prone to errors.

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^ Awesome man does awesome stuff

This week I've been thinking so much about The Godfather 2, that I rented 1 (The Don's Edition for the PS3).

It's pretty much the same as PS2, but there are favors, you can hire a crew (though I have only 1 don't know if I will be able to have more than 1 at a time), and there are more skills divided among Enforcer (tougher) and Operator (more businessmen).

The graphics haven't changed much.

But I am having too much fun.

There are a few gameplay things that bother me, like bad cover system but thats to be expected from a game thats a few years old.

Can't wait for The Godfather 2!

PS - Too bad 1 doesn't have any trophies.

grrr marcio you have overtaken me i will get my revenge!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

War begins!

oliminator1994 said:
grrr marcio you have overtaken me i will get my revenge!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

War begins!

It's on! NOt really, I am taking a step back from this trophy hunting business, I was addicted. I am gonna take some time, rent some games that don't have trophies for a while. So, I think you are gonna win this war.

Guys whenever someone is up for trying to get some badges on Killzone 2 let me now ok.


RE5 pro isn't too bad.
Just gotta learn how to dodge the arrows =/