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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Jboy0990 said:
Oh ok i'll try doin that
I never even thought about the melee combos lol
Also where do u get the "Ride the Lightning" trophy?
I never see a transformer?


There is one in 2.1 right before the chainsaw guy.

Otherwise mercenary mode has a few ( Public Assembly has two, Experimental Facility has one I remember).

PS : Best way for the melee combo is shoot Wesker when he gets into his stance right before charging you at crazy speed , even if he has seen you there are 2 seconds there where you can hit him, and if he dashes straight at you keep shooting and he will end in front of you stunned with the melee combo ready to be done).

 PS2 : If the transformer doesn't kill 2 majini when it falls you can shoot at it on the ground and it will emit electricity again, just make sure you are a bit away from it or it will hit you too.


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Ok thanks i got the bad blood trophy and i just got my longbow unlocked(ridiculous price at 50,000!) Now i'll try the ride the lightning trophy lol

Still dont see a transformer
I think i've seen one the whole time i have had the game but by time i noticed it i already killed everyone in the area and now its not in the same spot??

Wow nevermind i found one lol
Well thats it for the bronze on RE5
Now just all these silvers and then professional mode:)

@flow - I have it since Tuesday. I have to return before having to pay over 50 bucks for late return

@fadetoone - I did do all the level 8 ones. I just screwed up when going for the level 14 ones.

@Kylie - I had already played Fallout 3 before. So I am not missing any of the story. And to be honest I am not rushing. I just know where to go and what to do, so I do it faster.

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U have mor patience than me Marcio lol cuz i played a good 3 or 4 hours on Fallout 3 and got 4 bronze trophies. I don't have patience for long games like those lol. I'll probably beat it in a year cuz i play a little at a time

I like games like Fallout a lot. The problem is that I'm renting instead of buying.

Games in my country are too freaking expensive.

So even if I rent it for 2 weeks, I will still end up paying too much money. So, I am just gonna return it without finishing and wait for a while for my patience to return and try again.

I think I am gonna take some time off on the trophy hunt, cause its been sucking up too much of my time and there are games that I really want to play like Ratchet & Clank and resistance 1 that don't have trophies.

Jboy0990 said:
Ok thanks i got the bad blood trophy and i just got my longbow unlocked(ridiculous price at 50,000!) Now i'll try the ride the lightning trophy lol

What's with all the games using Metallica song titles for trophy names? :P

Yeah i wouldn't mind the game but i just dont like too long of games.
From what i have played so far it seems pretty fun but just not to play straight to beat it.
Most of the time i rent my games too depending on what it is
I might take time off the trophy hunt after RE5 cuz i know all my Conflict friends miss me i used to be ranked number 1 online a that game but then trophies ended up gettin me addicted so now im like 6th lol