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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

so if you put on infinite ammo on in RE5 can you still get the trophies for beating pro and stuff?

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I take it you can. I have yet to do it cuz i havent upgraded anything completely but Ail said he did so i suppose u can

Jboy0990 said:
I take it you can. I have yet to do it cuz i havent upgraded anything completely but Ail said he did so i suppose u can


You can for veteran, I haven't tried yet pro but I suppose it works the exact same way.

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

What gun did u use with unlimited ammo?

Jboy0990 said:
What gun did u use with unlimited ammo?


Most important was Sheva's gun.

She has the AK 74 with unlimited ammo.

I started with unlimited ammo rifle ( the third one semi auto) and as I made progress I got the Ithaca unlimited ammo and then the L-HAWK magnum with unlimited ammo.

As soon as the magnum had unlimited ammo I stopped using the shotty and used the magnum 60% of the time and the rifle the rest of the time... Aside from bosses where the magnum is handy otherwise the rifle is enough as Sheva can handle 90% of the enemies that come close...( the rifle can do anything the magnum does it just takes a couple more shots, the only time where the magnum really helps is against the Giant Majini in Marshland and against the Chainsaw Magini ( you can stand your ground with the magnum, with the rifle you still have to move away from their paths or you will get hit).


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network

Oh ok i see
I'm doin Sheva's machine gun first(the first one)
Then my shotty then probably the L-Hawk

Damn the campaign on UT3 gets really annoying on Insane

Capture the flag matches are like you are all alone trying to capture the flag since the whole freaking team is doing something else, each of these matches take me a whole hour

The team deathmatch missions are crazy fun though, and the online too

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

How do i kill a majini with a transformer??
And I got the "lead aspirin" trophy :)

KylieDog said:
...and a platinum for RE5.




I have been playing Fallout 3. Great game!

But its a looong game.

I have earned a few trophies, but a few like discover 100 locations and hack 50 terminals take too long.

I almost have the pick 50 locks because theres a lot to stuff to pick, but its harder to find terminals.

Now, a question. Can anyone tell me where to get the Agatha's song quest? Its the only one I dont know where it starts.