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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

I could have have gotten the Lotr-C plat last night but my boost partner ditched me last night w/o leaving a message . Kept failing with 10 for WK lol. I've completed all KZ2 offline trophies so next week I'll attempt the top 1% trophy. Probably try get as many of those ribbons this week.

PS4/PS3/PC/3DS Owner (Will buy a Switch when mainline Pokemon game is released)

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HideoK said:
Wait hold on Ail you're getting too many platinum's too fast!!
Could you please go back to playing World of Warcraft for a little while...hehe


 I still play Wow but we clear the  raids in 2 short nights, when the next big patch comes out I will be back to 3h of wow/5-6 days a week though

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Dark Odin said:
alone in the dark...

how many hours did you take to get the platinum in it? I´m thinking about renting...


 15 hours maybe ?

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Anyone know if the Eat Lead trophies need to be completed in a single playthrough?  For example if you blew up 35 explosive objects after one playthrough, would you get the trophy when you blow up another 15 in a new game?


Beat it with Ryu.


Around the Network

Anyone played/ going to get the Trivial Pursuit game?

Does anyone here play Unreal tournament 3 now that it has trophies.


@ dmeister congrats for the 1% gold, that and 3 badges hold me bk from aceing online but this week im polishing off single player.

@ail wens the war craft update ;p congrats wit the plats iv just finally got my act together and finished dead space plat (killzone soaking up my time) so should start giving you a challenge again... Well till socom arrives in england lol

@ mikalike noooo you went and told everyone a sneaky easy (possibly) platinum damn ail and hideok are guna grab them now lol, im guna try it u?

@papero add me for killzone ribbons m8 think i can play americans with killzone :/ ?

Finally got over 20 plays in Buzz multiplayer. Only 28 more games to go for the platinum. That should take at least... another 7 hours... when I get a chance to play, of course.

mattbfg said:
@ dmeister congrats for the 1% gold, that and 3 badges hold me bk from aceing online but this week im polishing off single player.

@ail wens the war craft update ;p congrats wit the plats iv just finally got my act together and finished dead space plat (killzone soaking up my time) so should start giving you a challenge again... Well till socom arrives in england lol

@ mikalike noooo you went and told everyone a sneaky easy (possibly) platinum damn ail and hideok are guna grab them now lol, im guna try it u?

@papero add me for killzone ribbons m8 think i can play americans with killzone :/ ?


I already have another easy plat on the way :P ( gamefly will most likely send me Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection next).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !