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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Hey guys. I'm programming the app which will pull data from psn trophy leaders. Right now I have 18 profiles left to add on the site. As it's only allowed to add 5 per day and IP, I'll get them all eventually, but if you have some time, you could go over and add some of these profiles on the list.

When all are added, I'll post some of the lists my app will provide when it's done, just as sneak preview

Just cross out the ones you've updated.


Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

Around the Network
ghettoglamour said:

Hey guys. I'm programming the app which will pull data from psn trophy leaders. Right now I have 18 profiles left to add on the site. As it's only allowed to add 5 per day and IP, I'll get them all eventually, but if you have some time, you could go over and add some of these profiles on the list.

When all are added, I'll post some of the lists my app will provide when it's done, just as sneak preview

Just cross out the ones you've updated.


ghettoglamour said:

Hey guys. I'm programming the app which will pull data from psn trophy leaders. Right now I have 18 profiles left to add on the site. As it's only allowed to add 5 per day and IP, I'll get them all eventually, but if you have some time, you could go over and add some of these profiles on the list.

When all are added, I'll post some of the lists my app will provide when it's done, just as sneak preview

Just cross out the ones you've updated.


Not to be harsh but i say cross them out entirely from LB. What´s the point adding when they don´t really care about this.


TheGoldenBoy said:
ghettoglamour said:

Hey guys. I'm programming the app which will pull data from psn trophy leaders. Right now I have 18 profiles left to add on the site. As it's only allowed to add 5 per day and IP, I'll get them all eventually, but if you have some time, you could go over and add some of these profiles on the list.

When all are added, I'll post some of the lists my app will provide when it's done, just as sneak preview

Just cross out the ones you've updated.



took my phone off wifi to do a few more

ghettoglamour said:

Hey guys. I'm programming the app which will pull data from psn trophy leaders. Right now I have 18 profiles left to add on the site. As it's only allowed to add 5 per day and IP, I'll get them all eventually, but if you have some time, you could go over and add some of these profiles on the list.

When all are added, I'll post some of the lists my app will provide when it's done, just as sneak preview

Just cross out the ones you've updated.


Done! Wow, that was fast. Thanks guys, you're awesome!

It seems like SmashBro22 can't be added, as you must be level 5 at least, which he isn't.

I'll post some lists later.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

Around the Network
Tbone said:

Not to be harsh but i say cross them out entirely from LB. What´s the point adding when they don´t really care about this.

Just because they don't have a PSNTL Profile it doesn't mean they don't care. I remember that John2290 didn't have one to name somebody, and he's one of the most active members right now.

Arc can do a clean up any time if he wishes though.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

ghettoglamour said:
Tbone said:

Not to be harsh but i say cross them out entirely from LB. What´s the point adding when they don´t really care about this.

Just because they don't have a PSNTL Profile it doesn't mean they don't care. I remember that John2290 didn't have one to name somebody, and he's one of the most active members right now.

Arc can do a clean up any time if he wishes though.

I meant for this league, not a trophy card.


Tbone said:
ghettoglamour said:

Just because they don't have a PSNTL Profile it doesn't mean they don't care. I remember that John2290 didn't have one to name somebody, and he's one of the most active members right now.

Arc can do a clean up any time if he wishes though.

I meant for this league, not a trophy card.

I was adding VGC League members to PSNTL, so that the tool I'm developing can get their trophy data from the site automatically. Therefor all our members must have a profile there.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

Weekly Update - Feb 23rd, 2016

2016 Trophy League Season

Rank Previous Rank VGchartz Username PSN ID Points to Date Starting Points Increase
1 1 veritaz Faster55 24075 22744 1331
2 2 John2290 JonnyMenthol  2185 1369 816
3 3 HideoK HideoK 20498 19820 678
4 5 Esquoret Esquoret 16936 16417 519
5 4 ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 15407 14924 483
6 7 Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 10896 10428 468
7 10 Wagram AnimasPaine 6275 5868 407
8 6 Blood_Tears Cold_Stare 6864 6479 385
9 9 KylieDog KylieDog 16522 16142 380
10 8 ethomaz ethomaz 7448 7074 374
11 11 fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 9274 8929 345
12 12 postofficebuddy postofficebuddy 9185 8860 325
13 15 Rafie Rafie27 9089 8800 289
14 13 mattbfg mattbfg 14188 13905 283
15 16 Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 13971 13704 267
16 14 Neodegenerate ohare82 3226 2961 265
17 17 think-man vankwisha 5336 5106 230
18 19 DarthVolod DarthVolod 6056 5844 212
19 18 luizje Luizje050 3377 3167 210
20 20 Jboy0990 jboy0990 10492 10319 173
21 21 TheGoIdenBoy TheGoIdenBoy 3522 3361 161
22 22 Nanaki TurquiseNanaki 3432 3287 145
23 27 fadetoone FadeToOne 14202 14061 141
24 26 arcane_chaos goldenmegazx 7699 7560 139
25 24 Lafiel Lafiel 4911 4773 138
26 23 COLD_COBRA_ ColdCobra_ 4330 4197 133
27 32 Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 6209 6076 133
28 30 Tbone Dpatriot 9433 9304 129
29 25 docholliday docholliday03 12652 12530 122
30 42 RukiSama RukiSama 7827 7708 119
31 29 binary solo binary_solo69 2825 2712 113
32 28 KinlochKing Kinlochking 3746 3634 112
33 33 sergiodaly SergioDaly 6068 5958 110
34 31 yakuzaIce YakuzaIce 4404 4299 105
35 39 mjk45 mjk45 2533 2441 92
36 37 Ssenkahdavic Ssenkahdavic 1435 1347 88
37 35 Chark GT_168 4467 4380 87
38 34 Xenostar Xenostar 14787 14701 86
39 49 cmeese47 cmeese47 8342 8258 84
40 36 finalrpgfantasy Edward-rpgfan 5232 5148 84
41 43 Fusioncode FusionCode 1458 1374 84
42 47 dj2one TWO1FIVE 8672 8592 80
43 38 Gab gabeish 1938 1864 74
44 40 Scisca Scisca 3088 3017 71
45 45 Conegamer conegamer 525 455 70
46 41 leatherhat Hatberserker 4405 4337 68
47 44 axumblade Axumblade 2269 2203 66
48 46 Devil_Survivor Devil_Survivor69 893 833 60
49 56 badgenome PublicSudoku 13996 13936 60
50 69 mysticwolf SmashBro22 2395 2339 56
51 52 demonfox13 Onikenshi 5037 4984 53
52 76 torok leotorok 2650 2598 52
53 50 brute TB-ALBON 2451 2400 51
54 48 homer power_hungryfool 1633 1583 50
55 53 jadakiss1217 party29 3045 2998 47
56 51 Simulacrum Criminal916 3013 2967 46
57 85 spdk1 SPDK1 4020 3974 46
58 61 Eikichi134 Eikichi134 4188 4143 45
59 74 A203D A203D 4236 4192 44
60 57 ail Aildiin 9429 9385 44
61 54 GhetooBillGates PERSIAN_CARTEL 3533 3490 43
62 55 m0ney lettmon 1975 1933 42
63 63 naruball xena4ever 4600 4561 39
64 58 Mr_No jones_md 3676 3638 38
65 59 Acevil Acevil 3171 3134 37
66 60 Eindyien Eindyien 7658 7621 37
67 62 phinch1 phinch 3125 3089 36
68 99 ReimMinister TheReimMinister 2524 2488 36
69 78 Dgc1808 Detsuki-G 2782 2747 35
70 101 Fei-Hung Malik7866 6547 6513 34
71 64 Dark Odin lebeau 19649 19616 33
72 66 Fufinu Fufinu 1260 1228 32
73 65 zuvuyeay Zuvuyeay 2492 2460 32
74 67 MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 10839 10809 30
75 68 REDZONE REDZONE_313 2231 2203 28
76 73 yog-sothot yog-sothot 1546 1518 28
77 70 Arcturus CityWokk 6026 6000 26
78 72 jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 9567 9541 26
79 71 SnakeDrake Snakehunter25 3575 3549 26
80 75 Azuren Cloud_9 2465 2442 23
81 80 bmaker11 BoilerMaker11 949 927 22
82 77 Stefl1504 Stefl1504 2636 2614 22
83 79 Corey Corza736 2210 2190 20
84 95 rakugakist pulptarantino 1300 1281 19
85 101 SnakeEyez SnakeEyez 1909 1892 17
86 81 michael_stutzer tahsin_sutcuoglu 5318 5301 17
87 82 V-r0cK V-r0cK-Kun 4972 4957 15
88 84 DareDareCaro DareDareCaro 5496 5482 14
89 83 FrozenXIV FrozenXIV 1360 1348 12
90 87 Joka_ JOKA_THE_SMOKA 1749 1738 11
91 88 Robbie2010 LogicOverAll 2081 2070 11
92 93 ultraslick UltraslicK 5094 5083 11
93 86 maximus22 coximus22 6173 6163 10
94 96 Damo Damo833 497 487 10
95 89 ThatGreekGuy Mitsos1311 1442 1432 10
96 90 Carl2291 CarlRushy 478 470 8
97 91 Finnbar Gonff 2384 2376 8
98 92 kivi95 Kivi95 5692 5685 7
99 94 ruimartiniman danceintothefire 4083 4077 6
100 97 perpride Darth-Cidius 2022 2018 4
101 101 dharh dharh 620 617 3
102 98 Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 6562 6559 3
103 100 Versus_Evil Lumi_Fox 2668 2666 2
104 101 MDMAlliance anzolr 756 756 0
104 101 Crystalchild Crystalchild 4169 4169 0
104 101 DamnTastic DamnTastic 2196 2196 0
104 101 Ka-pi96 Ka-Pi96 4029 4029 0
104 101 goodfella kassanowa07 3180 3180 0
104 101 MaxwellGT2000 maxwellgt2000 1235 1235 0
104 101 psrock psrock1 343 343 0
104 101 radiantshadow92 radiantshadow92 3995 3995 0
104 101 xstonexcold316x SP3NCE1325 2211 2211 0
104 101 Branko2166 squall-23 4731 4731 0
104 101 sub-zero-TM TheSypherBoy7873 2005 2005 0
104 101 akuseru Troubl 5124 5124 0
104 101 weaveworld Weaveworld 1161 1161 0
104 101 woj woj912 7970 7970 0
104 101 wenlan WoLoCo 5971 5971 0
104 101 zexen_lowe zexen47 983 983 0

VGChartz Playstation Trophy Leaderboard

Rank Prev Rank VGchartz Username PSN ID Lvl Bronze Silver Gold Plat Total Points Plat Avg
1 1 veritaz Faster55 49 9641 3149 1008 174 13972 24075 1.49
2 2 HideoK HideoK 43 7916 2682 869 167 11634 20498 1.84
3 3 Dark Odin lebeau 42 6793 2807 831 188 10619 19649 1.86
4 4 Esquoret Esquoret 38 5726 2224 797 165 8912 16936 1.88
5 5 KylieDog KylieDog 37 6832 1923 646 164 9565 16522 2.29
6 6 ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 36 6347 1848 654 120 8969 15407 1.58
7 7 Xenostar Xenostar 35 6357 1926 587 88 8958 14787 1.65
8 9 fadetoone FadeToOne 34 6736 1792 481 83 9092 14202 1.77
9 8 mattbfg mattbfg 34 5964 1763 523 130 8380 14188 1.88
10 10 badgenome PublicSudoku 34 5908 1656 526 135 8225 13996 1.90
11 11 Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 34 7499 1970 352 35 9856 13971 1.53
12 12 docholliday docholliday03 32 4682 1690 505 130 7007 12652 1.82
13 14 Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 29 4144 1285 493 102 6024 10896 1.78
14 13 MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 29 4771 1285 413 85 6554 10839 1.98
15 15 Jboy0990 jboy0990 28 4038 1274 453 99 5864 10492 1.93
16 16 jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 27 3813 1116 413 87 5429 9567 1.87
17 18 Tbone Dpatriot 27 3993 1061 347 103 5504 9433 2.90
18 17 ail Aildiin 27 4107 1170 319 89 5685 9429 2.30
19 19 fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 27 3510 1319 349 86 5264 9274 1.78
20 20 postofficebuddy postofficebuddy 26 3879 1096 425 47 5447 9185 3.15
21 21 Rafie Rafie27 26 3409 1373 351 69 5202 9089 1.44
22 22 dj2one TWO1FIVE 26 4328 1065 267 51 5711 8672 1.74
23 23 cmeese47 cmeese47 25 4264 998 281 33 5576 8342 1.34
24 24 woj woj912 24 3632 981 294 51 4958 7970 1.84
25 25 RukiSama RukiSama 24 3767 899 271 53 4990 7827 1.71
26 26 arcane_chaos goldenmegazx 24 3913 954 223 45 5135 7699 1.84
27 27 Eindyien Eindyien 24 3326 945 265 71 4607 7658 2.30
28 28 ethomaz ethomaz 23 2604 1054 322 67 4047 7448 2.32
29 29 Blood_Tears Cold_Stare 22 3404 809 243 32 4488 6864 1.22
30 30 Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 22 2466 947 267 50 3730 6562 1.88
31 31 Fei-Hung Malik7866 22 3747 776 196 6 4725 6547  - 
32 32 Wagram AnimasPaine 21 2469 766 241 69 3545 6275 2.16
33 33 Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 21 3057 745 211 33 4046 6209 2.03
34 34 maximus22 coximus22 21 2727 736 243 43 3749 6173 3.12
35 35 sergiodaly SergioDaly 21 2666 675 246 48 3635 6068 1.98
36 36 DarthVolod DarthVolod 21 1658 1137 254 50 3099 6056 1.28
37 37 Arcturus CityWokk 21 2852 795 200 32 3879 6026 2.06
38 38 wenlan WoLoCo 21 2239 834 248 48 3369 5971 1.74
39 39 kivi95 Kivi95 20 3060 674 172 21 3927 5692 1.90
40 40 DareDareCaro DareDareCaro 20 2438 671 186 50 3345 5496 2.20
41 42 think-man vankwisha 20 2834 555 178 27 3594 5336 1.69
42 41 michael_stutzer tahsin_sutcuoglu 19 2456 702 185 29 3372 5318 2.26
43 43 finalrpgfantasy Edward-rpgfan 19 2218 817 144 43 3222 5232 2.07
44 44 akuseru Troubl 19 2310 537 198 46 3091 5124 2.29
45 45 ultraslick UltraslicK 19 2448 600 161 40 3249 5094 2.03
46 46 demonfox13 Onikenshi 19 2775 591 136 22 3524 5037 2.05
47 47 V-r0cK V-r0cK-Kun 19 2374 516 177 42 3109 4972 2.31
48 48 Lafiel Lafiel 19 2349 606 179 23 3157 4911 2.04
49 49 Branko2166 squall-23 18 2035 502 206 38 2781 4731 1.57
50 50 naruball xena4ever 18 2540 553 133 13 3239 4600 1.46
51 51 Chark GT_168 18 1997 575 164 28 2764 4467 2.22
52 52 leatherhat Hatberserker 18 2441 517 121 17 3096 4405 2.18
53 53 yakuzaIce YakuzaIce 18 1912 514 168 38 2632 4404 1.82
54 54 COLD_COBRA_ ColdCobra_ 18 1962 506 154 36 2658 4330 1.94
55 55 A203D A203D 17 1820 491 161 39 2511 4236 2.41
56 56 Eikichi134 Eikichi134 17 2258 539 118 12 2927 4188 1.00
57 57 Crystalchild Crystalchild 17 2161 485 125 24 2795 4169 2.13
58 58 ruimartiniman danceintothefire 17 2467 499 99 2 3067 4083 2.50
59 59 Ka-pi96 Ka-Pi96 17 1663 589 134 32 2418 4029 1.57
60 61 spdk1 SPDK1 17 1916 500 152 16 2584 4020 1.25
61 60 radiantshadow92 radiantshadow92 17 2037 475 130 19 2661 3995 2.11
62 62 KinlochKing Kinlochking 17 2224 482 81 6 2793 3746 1.17
63 63 Mr_No jones_md 16 2054 430 87 20 2591 3676 1.90
64 64 SnakeDrake Snakehunter25 16 2107 422 88 8 2625 3575 2.00
65 65 GhetooBillGates PERSIAN_CARTEL 16 1845 433 113 12 2403 3533 1.50
66 66 TheGoIdenBoy TheGoIdenBoy 16 1490 572 106 21 2189 3522 1.55
67 67 Nanaki TurquiseNanaki 16 1862 392 91 20 2365 3432 2.05
68 68 luizje Luizje050 16 1185 529 135 27 1876 3377 2.08
69 69 Neodegenerate ohare82 16 1510 432 108 17 2067 3226 1.43
70 70 goodfella kassanowa07 15 1510 364 111 23 2008 3180 1.83
71 71 Acevil Acevil 15 1701 399 78 17 2195 3171 1.63
72 72 phinch1 phinch 15 1857 355 81 6 2299 3125 1.83
73 73 Scisca Scisca 15 1298 448 105 22 1873 3088 1.81
74 74 jadakiss1217 party29 15 1675 310 93 16 2094 3045 2.00
75 75 Simulacrum Criminal916 15 1783 381 72 3 2239 3013 2.67
76 76 binary solo binary_solo69 15 1387 365 92 13 1857 2825 1.69
77 77 Dgc1808 Detsuki-G 15 1422 362 74 16 1874 2782 2.20
78 78 Versus_Evil Lumi_Fox 15 938 295 144 23 1400 2668 1.48
79 80 torok leotorok 14 1662 269 61 7 1999 2650 1.57
80 79 Stefl1504 Stefl1504 14 1678 257 66 4 2005 2636 1.67
81 81 mjk45 mjk45 14 1695 245 54 2 1996 2533 2.00
82 83 ReimMinister TheReimMinister 14 1158 329 94 12 1593 2524 1.83
83 82 zuvuyeay Zuvuyeay 14 1250 315 76 13 1654 2492 1.69
84 84 Azuren Cloud_9 14 1397 279 67 9 1752 2465 4.00
85 85 brute TB-ALBON 14 1219 313 77 12 1621 2451 2.00
86 87 mysticwolf SmashBro22 14 1497 269 46 7 1819 2395 1.60
87 86 Finnbar Gonff 14 1468 263 57 4 1792 2384 1.50
88 88 axumblade Axumblade 14 1309 252 60 8 1629 2269 1.29
89 89 REDZONE REDZONE_313 14 1283 264 54 8 1609 2231 2.13
90 90 xstonexcold316x SP3NCE1325 14 1235 302 56 3 1596 2211 1.00
91 91 Corey Corza736 14 1378 236 50 5 1669 2210 2.00
92 92 DamnTastic DamnTastic 14 1274 209 72 6 1561 2196 2.20
93 93 John2290 JonnyMenthol  14 909 266 92 16 1283 2185 1.87
94 94 Robbie2010 LogicOverAll 13 1079 279 66 4 1428 2081 1.50
95 95 perpride Darth-Cidius 13 1074 249 55 10 1388 2022 2.10
96 96 sub-zero-TM TheSypherBoy7873 13 1235 211 48 5 1499 2005 2.00
97 97 m0ney lettmon 13 1051 249 63 4 1367 1975 2.00
98 98 Gab gabeish 13 954 282 52 9 1297 1938 2.00
99 99 SnakeEyez SnakeEyez 13 1125 242 44 3 1414 1909 2.33
100 100 Joka_ JOKA_THE_SMOKA 13 991 187 48 8 1234 1749 2.57
101 101 homer power_hungryfool 13 899 202 43 6 1150 1633 1.83
102 102 yog-sothot yog-sothot 12 850 207 37 5 1099 1546 2.20
103 104 Fusioncode FusionCode 12 882 156 38 3 1079 1458 2.00
104 103 ThatGreekGuy Mitsos1311 12 874 173 33 2 1082 1442 1.00
105 105 Ssenkahdavic Ssenkahdavic 12 885 155 32 4 1076 1435 2.25
106 106 FrozenXIV FrozenXIV 12 512 178 58 12 760 1360 1.92
107 107 rakugakist pulptarantino 12 634 132 47 10 823 1300 1.90
108 108 Fufinu Fufinu 12 816 123 25 4 968 1260 2.00
109 109 MaxwellGT2000 maxwellgt2000 12 831 130 22 1 984 1235 2.00
110 110 weaveworld Weaveworld 12 699 141 24 3 867 1161 1.67
111 111 zexen_lowe zexen47 11 635 108 18 2 763 983 1.50
112 112 bmaker11 BoilerMaker11 11 701 94 10 0 805 949  - 
113 113 Devil_Survivor Devil_Survivor69 10 497 90 28 4 619 893 1.75
114 114 MDMAlliance anzolr 9 348 84 32 4 468 756 1.25
115 115 dharh dharh 8 426 70 9 0 505 620  - 
116 116 Conegamer conegamer 7 321 60 14 0 395 525  - 
117 117 Damo Damo833 7 309 43 15 1 368 497  - 
118 118 Carl2291 CarlRushy 7 298 66 6 1 371 478 1.00
119 119 psrock psrock1 6 271 24 4 0 299 343  - 

Platinum Leaderboard

VGchartz Username PSN ID Platinum Count Platinum Points Plat Difficulty Avg
KylieDog KylieDog 164 373 2.27
Dark Odin lebeau 188 335 1.78
Esquoret Esquoret 165 306 1.85
Tbone Dpatriot 103 299 2.90
HideoK HideoK 167 296 1.77
badgenome PublicSudoku 135 257 1.90
veritaz Faster55 174 257 1.48
mattbfg mattbfg 130 244 1.88
docholliday docholliday03 130 231 1.78
ail Aildiin 89 205 2.30
Jboy0990 jboy0990 99 191 1.93
ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 120 185 1.54
Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 102 178 1.75
MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 85 168 1.98
Eindyien Eindyien 71 163 2.30
jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 87 161 1.85
ethomaz ethomaz 67 153 2.28
Wagram AnimasPaine 69 149 2.16
postofficebuddy postofficebuddy 47 148 3.15
fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 86 146 1.70
fadetoone FadeToOne 83 143 1.72
Xenostar Xenostar 88 140 1.59
maximus22 coximus22 43 131 3.05
DareDareCaro DareDareCaro 50 110 2.20
akuseru Troubl 46 103 2.24
V-r0cK V-r0cK-Kun 42 97 2.31
sergiodaly SergioDaly 48 95 1.98
woj woj912 51 94 1.84
Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 50 92 1.84
A203D A203D 39 89 2.28
RukiSama RukiSama 53 89 1.68
dj2one TWO1FIVE 51 87 1.71
finalrpgfantasy Edward-rpgfan 43 85 1.98
arcane_chaos goldenmegazx 45 83 1.84
wenlan WoLoCo 48 80 1.67
ultraslick UltraslicK 40 73 1.83
COLD_COBRA_ ColdCobra_ 36 70 1.94
yakuzaIce YakuzaIce 38 69 1.82
Arcturus CityWokk 32 66 2.06
Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 33 65 1.97
michael_stutzer tahsin_sutcuoglu 29 61 2.10
Chark GT_168 28 60 2.14
Branko2166 squall-23 38 58 1.53
DarthVolod DarthVolod 50 55 1.10
luizje Luizje050 27 54 2.00
Crystalchild Crystalchild 24 51 2.13
Lafiel Lafiel 23 47 2.04
Ka-pi96 Ka-Pi96 32 47 1.47
Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 35 46 1.31
demonfox13 Onikenshi 22 45 2.05

Busiest Members

VGchartz Username PSN ID Pts This Week Pts Last Week Increase
veritaz Faster55 24075 23832 243
Esquoret Esquoret 16936 16812 124
Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 10896 10792 104
HideoK HideoK 20498 20401 97
Wagram AnimasPaine 6275 6187 88
Rafie Rafie27 9089 9027 62
RukiSama RukiSama 7827 7774 53
Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 13971 13929 42
Neodegenerate ohare82 3226 3190 36
fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 9274 9239 35
cmeese47 cmeese47 8342 8307 35
spdk1 SPDK1 4020 3985 35

Platinum Trophies Earned

Wagram Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Tbone Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Esquoret Fallout 4
veritaz SkyScrappers
veritaz Toro
HideoK Unravel
torok God of War
Neodegenerate The Walking Dead
Rafie Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
RukiSama Life is Strange
Chevinator123 Final Fantasy XIII
Wonktonodi The Last of Us
Wonktonodi Lemmings Touch
Wonktonodi Mass Effect

Thanks for the update Arc.