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Well maybe minding your own business would be good
Especially just because i said i think a game is gay?
Wow thats bein so immature ya know
I mean if you're gay and it offends u i'm sorry i didn't mean to make u cry but there's another way of sayin stuff instead of sayin i'm immature for using the word gay

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Jboy0990 said:
Well maybe minding your own business would be good
Especially just because i said i think a game is gay?
Wow thats bein so immature ya know
I mean if you're gay and it offends u i'm sorry i didn't mean to make u cry but there's another way of sayin stuff instead of sayin i'm immature for using the word gay


When did you get the idea that I was offended? I simply think that you're a hypocrite, fraud and immature. Alot of people are, deal with it.

EDIT: oh yeah, I also think you're gay. but because I call you gay, it means that I'm mature since we're playing by your rules.

Wtf since when were there rules?
This isn't a game?
No callin me gay for no reason just because u don't agree with me is immature fagget
And i want you to explain to me how i'm a hypocrite, a fraud, and immature?
Do u even know what those words mean cuz nothing i said above would categorize me as bein a hypocrite, a fraud, or immature?

Jboy0990 said:
Wtf since when were there rules?
This isn't a game?
No callin me gay for no reason just because u don't agree with me is immature fagget
And i want you to explain to me how i'm a hypocrite, a fraud, and immature?
Do u even know what those words mean cuz nothing i said above would categorize me as bein a hypocrite, a fraud, or immature?

Uh oh. It looks like I offended someone.

So I called you gay because I disagree with you, yet you still think you're mature after after you called me a immature "fagget" (you spelled it wrong) because you disagree with me?

that's just......hmm what's the word I'm looking for?..... it starts with a "H".. hmm, I'm sure it'll pop up.

"Do u even know what those words mean cuz nothing i said above would categorize me as bein a hypocrite, a fraud, or immature?"

Not only did you contradict yourself, but you misspelled the word "faggot" as a means to attack me because I used a word that you apparently think was harmless (gay). The way you respond to a confrontation also makes you look really immature. 

Let me put it this way, If you were a video game, you'd be a gay one. Better?

And as far as describing the game being gay
i said it looks gay and my supporting objects are because its a game about growing flowers
U really need to grow up
The last time i remember somebody gettin into someone else's business was back in junior high when everyone gossiped
Seriously me sayin a game "LOOKS" gay isn't immature
But for u to call two people u don't even know on the internet gay is really immature i mean honestly

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No dumbass i called u a fagget because u gonna call me gay because i don't agree with u

thats nowhere bein a hypocrite

And how am i offended when ur the dumbass who started this convo because u don't like the word gay

To me it looks like u were offended

and btw fagget or faggot can be spelled either way its just where u are raised idiot

Jboy0990 said:
And as far as describing the game being gay
i said it looks gay and my supporting objects are because its a game about growing flowers
U really need to grow up
The last time i remember somebody gettin into someone else's business was back in junior high when everyone gossiped
Seriously me sayin a game "LOOKS" gay isn't immature
But for u to call two people u don't even know on the internet gay is really immature i mean honestly

That's kind of funny because you just called me a immature "faggot" (except you spelled it wrong). So I guess that mean we're both immature huh?

I also like how you dismiss most of my post inregards to how much of a hypocrite you are.

Jboy0990 said:

No dumbass i called u a fagget because u gonna call me gay because i don't agree with u

thats nowhere bein a hypocrite

Are you an inbred.

And how am i offended when ur the dumbass who started this convo because u don't like the word gay

To me it looks like u were offended

and btw fagget or faggot can be spelled either way its just where u are raised idiot

Are you an inbred?

So I'm immature because I called you gay, and you're not because you called me a "fagget" in response to my opinion that you're gay....

Think about it.

And what's this aboout me not liking the word "gay"? Shit, man. I called you gay 3-4 times already. You're gay. See? I did it again!

"and btw fagget or faggot can be spelled either way its just where u are raised idiot"

ahh, I see. So you are an inbred. West VA i presume? I had a feeling you were either a kid or a hillbilly, i guess you were both.

No I'm not disregarding your posts because i don't see how I am a hypocrite

Ok ur gonna call me gay because u disagree with something i say which is immature and pisses me off and i called u a fagget because of bein pissed off that doesn't make me a hypocrite thats just me responding to u callin me gay for no apparent reason which is common human reaction behavior. Stop talkin shit over the internet it just shows how much of a loser u really are. I mean me stating that i think a game looks gay really doesn't mean u have to come up on here thinkin ur hard over a keyboard i mean my 7 year old cousin can do it.

Jboy0990 said:

No I'm not disregarding your posts because i don't see how I am a hypocrite

Ok ur gonna call me gay because u disagree with something i say which is immature and pisses me off and i called u a fagget because of bein pissed off that doesn't make me a hypocrite thats just me responding to u callin me gay for no apparent reason which is common human reaction behavior. Stop talkin shit over the internet it just shows how much of a loser u really are. I mean me stating that i think a game looks gay really doesn't mean u have to come up on here thinkin ur hard over a keyboard i mean my 7 year old cousin can do it.

1. You don't see how you're a hypocrite because you're fooling yourself.

2. You said that you weren't offended not too long ago, yet you're pissed off? **cough** hypocrite **cough**cough**

3. I called you gay to see how'd you react to when someone discribes you as gay instead, apparently you failed the test.

4. You're talking shit ALONG with me, so i guess we're both losers.

5. I don't need to know about your 7 year old cousin, inbred freak.