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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

eFKac said:
How do we look upon trophy helping through Share Play?
If it's approved, if someone would be willing to help me with some Death Mode levels in Sound Shapes I would be grateful!

PSN ID Filip_Kackiewicz.

I bought it for the Platinums, and it was a pain but finally i got them. Never again!!!

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Esquoret said:
SharePlay doesn't really matter. I mean I can ask a friend in real-life to come to my house and play parts of a game for me to earn trophies, and no one would be able to tell. SharePlay is the same idea, just done online.

I agree!

Ail said:
Anyone getting Lords of the Fallen ? I would like some feedback on it.

Only played it for an hour and a half at a friends house. Its basically Dark Souls gameplay mix in with Darksiders artstyle. From what i've played the story didn't really grabed me besides the main character the dialog and voice acting were terrible. Plus for an rpg its only 12 hours long (my friend got pissed off cause the developers said that its infinite hours of gametime lol).


All in all i was addicted to it i stopped cause i wanted to own my own copy. Its a must for any Souls fans because of its gameplay and its a good time killer until Bloodbourne gets released :D 


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

SnakeDrake said:
Ail said:
Anyone getting Lords of the Fallen ? I would like some feedback on it.

Only played it for an hour and a half at a friends house. Its basically Dark Souls gameplay mix in with Darksiders artstyle. From what i've played the story didn't really grabed me besides the main character the dialog and voice acting were terrible. Plus for an rpg its only 12 hours long (my friend got pissed off cause the developers said that its infinite hours of gametime lol).


All in all i was addicted to it i stopped cause i wanted to own my own copy. Its a must for any Souls fans because of its gameplay and its a good time killer until Bloodbourne gets released :D 

So it has a crappy story, crappy dialog and voice acting, and it's very short.  Yet it's addictive.  Ok then.


fadetoone said:
SnakeDrake said:
Ail said:
Anyone getting Lords of the Fallen ? I would like some feedback on it.

Only played it for an hour and a half at a friends house. Its basically Dark Souls gameplay mix in with Darksiders artstyle. From what i've played the story didn't really grabed me besides the main character the dialog and voice acting were terrible. Plus for an rpg its only 12 hours long (my friend got pissed off cause the developers said that its infinite hours of gametime lol).


All in all i was addicted to it i stopped cause i wanted to own my own copy. Its a must for any Souls fans because of its gameplay and its a good time killer until Bloodbourne gets released :D 

So it has a crappy story, crappy dialog and voice acting, and it's very short.  Yet it's addictive.  Ok then.


Yup you play this game mainly for its very dark souls inspired gameplay.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Around the Network
eFKac said:
How do we look upon trophy helping through Share Play?
If it's approved, if someone would be willing to help me with some Death Mode levels in Sound Shapes I would be grateful!

PSN ID Filip_Kackiewicz.

many of those were torture to me, since there is so much luck. I found it easiest on the vita when I did them though.

Closing in on the gta5 platinum! Only need to get to level 100 in multi, currently level 82.

Started evil within, probably not going to even try to platinum it. Cool game though

Closing in on the gta5 platinum! Only need to get to level 100 in multi, currently level 82.

Started evil within, probably not going to even try to platinum it. Cool game though

That was my last online trophy for the game and it was a pain in the ass.  The Rooftop Rumble mission is your best friend, if you want to level up quickly.

finalrpgfantasy said:
Closing in on the gta5 platinum! Only need to get to level 100 in multi, currently level 82.

Started evil within, probably not going to even try to platinum it. Cool game though

That was my last online trophy for the game and it was a pain in the ass.  The Rooftop Rumble mission is your best friend, if you want to level up quickly.

Yea I'm chipping away it, there's a parachute mission that's quick and gives good rp in 2 minutes. I actually like online a lot more than I thought I would. Only thing I don't like is all the assholes, so I'm forced to sticky bomb any players near me or following me

wow, i´m back!

looking at the ranking right now... number 17. I was expecting be out of top 30 (or out of the league... not one post in months, sorry guys).

my trophy whoring has really slowed this year since FF XIV and especiallly since last september with PS4. 7 platinums this whole year. this is what I did in a slow month in the past hehe - BF3, lords of shadows 2 on PS3 and batman and FF X - i love this game, really wish the ps3 version had a separated list - on PSvita.

the trophy whoriness is still here, like, my first 3 platinuns in PS4 are in different versions of sound shapes (shame on me).

right now I´ve been playing Ps4. infamous second son (good game, but really, it´s the same game with really good graphics... anything new here) and addicted to destiny, despite that yes, it´s just an ok game. platinum in infamous will come in some time. and in destiny... well, it´ll take a while.

on my vacation I hope be back playing FF XIV, so I don´t see me crossing 10 platinums this year.

and for the sake of traditions: thanks for the update arcturus ^^