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AC: Unity trophies leaked?


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Esquoret said:

Well, I made it to the top 100 of my country's ladder on PSNProfiles (currently #96). I'm lucky Australia's not as competitive compared to other countries. But anyone else here in the top 100 of their country?

Edit: Actually I took a browse, and a lot of countries are actually even less competitive. Or that the site's not popular there.

Toughest ones are USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, and Japan.

I'd rank 72th in my country (I use a US account), even though I am not that big of a trophy hunter. Similarly, most of the people use either a US account or a UK account. That is why individual country ranks are kinda misleading to look at, I think a lot of people in other countries are doing the same.

Ka-pi96 said:
Anybody else have this thread not go to the newest posts? It always seems to go to posts from a couple months ago for me

It has been like that for years but I guess people don't care. It is kinda annoying to me too.

Wonktonodi said:
HideoK said:
Wonktonodi said:
I have a backlog on too many systems
Finished one game on my ps3 then couldn't pick what to play next


Wow, that's a long list! Out of all of them my vote would be The Last of Us multiplayer first so you can get platinum. Multiplayer was really fun. Has a really good balance of collecting, hunting, and hiding. 

Trine 2: Complete Story platinum. Took a bit longer than I expected, mostly because of stupid failures in Icewarden Keep and Cloudy Isles. I'm pretty sure 'This is Trine' is glitched too. I kicked about 20 enemies into pits before it unlocked.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

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Medal of honor frontline platinum. I personally feel this is a 3 star more than Spec ops. I feel its a bit harder than it. Just cause it has the old classic mechanics, not where u can just cover and regenerate your health.


Strider plat! Was easy like you said Esquoret. My final speed run time was 2 hours 32 min.

Wolf Among Us Plat; not exactly a challenge haha

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

HideoK said:
Strider plat! Was easy like you said Esquoret. My final speed run time was 2 hours 32 min.

Cool. More PS+ games coming soon. I'm interested in Road Not Taken and Metrico.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Oh nice. I'm most interested in Dragon's Crown for the August PS+ update. Looks like we get both the vita and PS3 versions.

Here's the full preview of games we get with PS+ next month.

Edit: Dragon's Crown isn't cross buy, but an admin over on the PS Blog says that we should get both.