I only need two trophies for the platinum on bioshock infinite, but I have to finish the game on that damn 1999 mode.
I only need two trophies for the platinum on bioshock infinite, but I have to finish the game on that damn 1999 mode.
HideoK said:
Are you going to go back and start playing DLC for older games on your list? That should make a bigger impact then adding another game to 100%. Just reached my goal to get back above 80%. My next goal is 10,000 trophies... only 1,170 more to go! It's going to take a while though as I'm not planning on playing a lot of new games this year. |
Out of the 19 games that I don't have 100% in, there are hardly any that I want to make the effort to top it up, or that I'm able to (due to lack of skill or near-impossible multiplayer requirements). The one thing on my mind at the moment is Dragon Age 2 -- might do a speedy run just get that done before Dragon Age 3 comes out this year.
I'm fine with taking the slow route, playing new games to 100%. I've only got 1% left to go on my goal anyways. There will be new games that I won't touch the DLCs too -- I think I'll allow 2 to 4 of those per year -- they'll form part of the permanent 5% that I'm okay with leaving out.
My website: Precocious Ragamuffin
Anybody tried Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate? I thought it was an ok game for the Vita, but towards the end it's getting pretty annoying. I hate the magma suit, the one that spits magma but also still kills you if one tiny magma drop hits you. It's so enfuriating if you keep killing yourself for the stupidest reasons -.-
ghettoglamour said: Anybody tried Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate? I thought it was an ok game for the Vita, but towards the end it's getting pretty annoying. I hate the magma suit, the one that spits magma but also still kills you if one tiny magma drop hits you. It's so enfuriating if you keep killing yourself for the stupidest reasons -.- |
Ye i tryed. The magma suit is indeed verry frustrating. And the multiplayer trophies are unachievable for me atm because i keep getting a internal matching error when trying to queu up.. So aslong as i won't be able to achieve the multiplayer trophies i will play other games.. Still need to play Trine 2 :)
luizje said:
I boosted "myself" with a PS4 and a Vita. I searched for online opponents until it matched me on PS4 against me on Vita. 1 hour and all the online trophies were done. Look on www.playstationtrophies.org for the detailed method if you want to.
ghettoglamour said:
I should try this. Out of maybe 25 attempts to play an online match, one of those I managed to play and finish, 3 disconnected midway through the match when my opponent started to lose, and the rest cancelled out at match up. The online trophies for this game have completely broken the online portion of the game.
HideoK said:
Can you guys explain why you care so much about completion rate? Is it just an OCD thing and hate not having fully completed a game or what? If you play a game that you really don't care for are you compelled to complete it solely because of completion rate? It just seems weird to me to buy DLC just because of this.
No disrespect meant, I'm genuinely curious.
Completion rate is really not important. Obviously neither are trophies in the grand scheme. I'd say it's definitely more of an OCD thing for me. I've always cared about trophies and the extra challenges and gameplay they provide, but the desire to always aim for 100% especially if the trophies are ridiculous or very time consuming has to be another example of OCD at its finest. In the past I have gone out of my way for platinum on a number of occasions, even if getting platinum felt like a chore. One game that comes to mind if FFXIII and farming the dark matter for hours and hours. Nor am I proud to say I've played a select few easy games that I didn't really care for just to quickly earn more trophies in order to pass a close friend of mine in trophy level. Was really a waste of time for both of us because he would play them also to keep up, or I would play a BS game he played. It was ultimately ruining the fun of our competition so we both agreed to stop. Now we just compare the individual games we both choose to play and if we were able to 100% them.
HideoK said: Completion rate is really not important. Obviously neither are trophies in the grand scheme. I'd say it's definitely more of an OCD thing for me. I've always cared about trophies and the extra challenges and gameplay they provide, but the desire to always aim for 100% especially if the trophies are ridiculous or very time consuming has to be another example of OCD at its finest. In the past I have gone out of my way for platinum on a number of occasions, even if getting platinum felt like a chore. One game that comes to mind if FFXIII and farming the dark matter for hours and hours. Nor am I proud to say I've played a select few easy games that I didn't really care for just to quickly earn more trophies in order to pass a close friend of mine in trophy level. Was really a waste of time for both of us because he would play them also to keep up, or I would play a BS game he played. It was ultimately ruining the fun of our competition so we both agreed to stop. Now we just compare the individual games we both choose to play and if we were able to 100% them. |
Gotcha, thanks. I definitely have my own idiosyncrasies when it comes to my particular trophy hunting personality so I was curious about this one as it isn't one I share.
Don't think I have time to do the update this week. Was busy yesterday, and am busy tonight. Next update will probably be Wed July 2nd.