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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

@HideoK: Thanks again for your thoughts on this issue. I'll make an official post soon about the new rule. At that time, I'll contact those with a low post count to inform them of the new rule. If they don't respond by the next update, they'll be dropped. If they do respond and start posting on this site, they can stay on.

The 'tick' system is a great idea for tracking inactive members and should be easy to implement. I doubt I'll be able to fit another column into the chart that is posted to this thread, but I can definitely track it in my spreadsheet. Thanks again to fadetoone for the suggestion!

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marciosmg said:
A question to all of you, trophies addicts

Which game will be easier to get a platinum for?

Resistance 2

Cause I will maybe rent a game soon and having become a trophies addict myself, I would like to know.

I say rent, because buying here is too expensive. So, maybe, if I rent the game a couple of times, I will be able to finish it and get the most trophies as possible.

I think there's been enough discussion over the past few pages to make that obvious, but in order from easiest to hardest (which probably mostly factors on time consumption for these 3):


@Arcturus:  No problem.  You can thank my programmer mind for that one.

Uncharted would be the best bet for u to get a platinum

But just be prepared to play the story mode 4 times

Dead Space is also a good one

It only takes about 2-3 go arounds

@Jboy0990: Can't you earn the Uncharted platinum in 2 play throughs of the story mode? Hard, then crushing?

I don't know?
If u beat it on hard does it give u the trophies for easy and normal too???

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yes acturus you could do it with 2 playthroughs. But apart from HideoK who dives straight in on hard? lol

U gotta be kiddin me
My friend told me u gotta beat it separately....
Well now that makes it a whole hell of a lot easier for me lol

oliminator1994 said:
yes acturus you could do it with 2 playthroughs. But apart from HideoK who dives straight in on hard? lol

I did once trophy support arrived, but I had played through it about a year earlier (when it came out) on normal, so I knew what to expect.


@ flow
Sorry I must of missed the link first time as the forum has exploded to life so I lose track of which page iv read. But damn on normal? I cnt win a game as it is lol.

So I have fear 2 arriving soon now please tell me can I realisticly get this platinum lol has people warned me when it was to l8 for far cry 2 :( I just can't face the heart break of another failed platinum and hideok sniggering at me while the prolific candy eater adds another 5 to his tally :p

When are these new rules comming into place?