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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

fadetoone said:
maximus22 said:
Arcturus said:
I haven't seen a lot of talk around here or elsewhere on MGS Ground Zeros. What is the consensuses on it? From what I've read, it's a glorified demo with a $35 price tag.

I've been holding off, waiting for it to drop in price. It's now $19 on the PSN store (still $35 for a physical copy). Is it worth it for $19?

Tough Question.  If you're a huge MGS fan like me then it's worth $30... but just barely.  If you do every single thing there is to do in the game, the most time you'll spend on it is 15 hours.  However, I think most people would agree it's worth it at $20.  The quality is superb and what there was of the game I thoroughly enjoyed.

I could have grabbed it from Best Buy last week for $16, but I passed.  It will either be $10 soon or it will be bundled with Phantom Pain.  Either way, I can wait.

We haven't been getting any good sales up in Canada lately. MSG Ground Zeros was released at $35, and it's only dipped to $30 once. It's now back up to $35 at retail.

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fadetoone said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
Thanks for the update.
Last exam tomorrow, then I will start climbing the table once again. Aiming for rank 25 by the end of the year.

You a topless dancer?

lol no, but Im just as dirty ...

Hey Arcturus, get rid of ethomaz so I can go up a rank =P

edit: "The trophy league is intended for active members of the VGChartz community"

Arcturus said:

We haven't been getting any good sales up in Canada lately. MSG Ground Zeros was released at $35, and it's only dipped to $30 once. It's now back up to $35 at retail.

Does Best Buy in Canada have the Gamer's Club Unlocked thing where you can get 20% off all games?  It's a pretty sweet deal, especially if you can get the membership at a discount.

fadetoone said:
Arcturus said:

We haven't been getting any good sales up in Canada lately. MSG Ground Zeros was released at $35, and it's only dipped to $30 once. It's now back up to $35 at retail.

Does Best Buy in Canada have the Gamer's Club Unlocked thing where you can get 20% off all games?  It's a pretty sweet deal, especially if you can get the membership at a discount.

I haven't seen any mention of a Gamer's Club at Best Buy in Canada. Futureshop (another retailer similar to Best Buy) does have a deal where you can pre-order any game shown at E3 and receive $20 off each game if you pre-order three or more.

Arcturus said:
maximus22 said:
Arcturus said:
I haven't seen a lot of talk around here or elsewhere on MGS Ground Zeros. What is the consensuses on it? From what I've read, it's a glorified demo with a $35 price tag.

I've been holding off, waiting for it to drop in price. It's now $19 on the PSN store (still $35 for a physical copy). Is it worth it for $19?

Tough Question.  If you're a huge MGS fan like me then it's worth $30... but just barely.  If you do every single thing there is to do in the game, the most time you'll spend on it is 15 hours.  However, I think most people would agree it's worth it at $20.  The quality is superb and what there was of the game I thoroughly enjoyed.

Thanks. I'm a fan of MSG as well, and I've been waiting for it to drop below $20. I didn't know you could spend 15 hours in the game, however. I kept seeing arcticles when it was released saying that you could finish it in 15-30 minutes.

It is possible to complete the main level that quickly but there is plenty to do besides that.  I don't think it's possible to get all of the trophies in less than 8 hours.

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Buy it digital! Show it off to your friends! MGS is definitely worth $20. I'd say it was worth $40 to me just to experience a next gen MGS game and it has me super hyped about Phantom Pain. Only game I want more that Phantom Pain is Uncharted 4.

I was initially slightly disappointed with how short the main story mission was, but mainly because it was so fun to play and I wanted more! Luckily there are an extra 6 side missions and on the road to 100% extra challenges include S ranking all of those on normal and beating all missions on hard (minus Jamis Vu since it was DLC). And then you have to unlock all challenges for a trophy which requires you to beat each mission a minimum of 4 times total by doing timed challenges and tagging enemies. Twice on normal and two times on hard. I think it took me around 12-15 hours to reach 100%.

HideoK said:

Buy it digital! Show it off to your friends! MGS is definitely worth $20. I'd say it was worth $40 to me just to experience a next gen MGS game and it has me super hyped about Phantom Pain. Only game I want more that Phantom Pain is Uncharted 4.

I was initially slightly disappointed with how short the main story mission was, but mainly because it was so fun to play and I wanted more! Luckily there are an extra 6 side missions and on the road to 100% extra challenges include S ranking all of those on normal and beating all missions on hard (minus Jamis Vu since it was DLC). And then you have to unlock all challenges for a trophy which requires you to beat each mission a minimum of 4 times total by doing timed challenges and tagging enemies. Twice on normal and two times on hard. I think it took me around 12-15 hours to reach 100%.

Ok, I'm convinced :)  I'll get it this weekend.

Finished Lemmings Touch on Vita. About to go blind (my eyes are literally twitching). The difficulty gets crazy in its demand for accuracy... Like if there's one pixel between a bridge you're building and a platform, the Lemmings will fall through. But then if you give a command one micro-second too late, the Lemming will move on and not be where you need him to be... And the cannons/trampolines are super fidgety -- some of those levels need pure luck, on top of perfect execution!

But for the sake of nostalgia, I persevered. I'm now one of two people who has completed the game on PSNProfiles.

Edit: One of three now. Someone just synched their trophies and according to the dates, he/she earned them earlier than me.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Well, that explains it.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Weekly Update - June 17th, 2014

Platinum Lists

VGChartz Playstation Trophy Leaderboard

Rank Prev Rank VGchartz Username PSN ID Lvl Bronze Silver Gold Plat Total Points Plat Avg
1 1 Dark Odin  lebeau 38 6066 2228 764 169 9227 17134 1.87
2 2 HideoK  HideoK 35 6127 1966 601 118 8812 15081 1.99
3 3 KylieDog KylieDog 34 5828 1629 552 142 8151 14102 2.31
4 4 Xenostar Xenostar 33 5819 1769 562 86 8236 13761 1.66
5 5 veritaz Faster55 32 5449 1679 486 79 7693 12671 1.64
6 6 mattbfg mattbfg 31 5127 1485 451 114 7177 12171 1.94
7 7 getrdone  getrdone25 30 4887 1347 454 92 6780 11409 2.01
8 8 docholliday docholliday03 29 4136 1466 444 113 6159 11088 1.83
9 9 fadetoone FadeToOne 29 5294 1317 377 65 7053 10970 1.86
10 10 badgenome PublicSudoku 29 4753 1216 388 101 6458 10725 1.96
11 11 JazzyJeez JazzyJiaz 28 5297 1269 344 46 6956 10451 1.93
12 12 Esquoret Esquoret 28 3621 1239 429 104 5393 9921 2.07
13 13 Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 27 5836 1028 253 19 7136 9638 1.47
14 15 ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 26 4278 1108 330 60 5776 9194 1.72
15 14 MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 26 3752 1100 369 80 5301 9126 2.03
16 16 ail  Aildiin 26 3760 1074 307 85 5226 8770 2.34
17 18 Jboy0990 jboy0990 24 3103 885 317 71 4376 7591 2.01
18 17 cmeese47 cmeese47 24 3820 906 264 30 5020 7576 1.34
19 19 jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 23 3094 801 309 69 4273 7378 1.91
20 20 woj woj912 23 3309 868 267 49 4493 7235 1.84
21 21 dj2one TWO1FIVE 23 3620 844 201 42 4707 7018 1.76
22 22 Eindyien Eindyien 22 2903 790 233 66 3992 6673 2.27
23 23 Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 22 2758 802 267 55 3882 6624 1.75
24 24 RukiSama RukiSama 22 3202 771 227 43 4243 6622 1.79
25 25 Tbone DPatriot 22 2656 737 238 72 3703 6422 3.00
26 26 Solid_Raiden SOLID_RAIDEN 21 3413 684 191 35 4323 6347 2.20
27 27 Ajescent Ajescent 21 3419 662 166 31 4278 6111 1.74
28 28 arcane_chaos goldenmegazx 21 3143 753 167 35 4098 6071 1.91
29 29 ethomaz ethomaz 21 2213 791 251 55 3310 5961 2.35
30 30 wenlan  WoLoCo 20 2186 767 245 47 3245 5754 1.74
31 31 maximus22 coximus22 20 2474 672 224 38 3408 5618 3.08
32 32 HanzoTheRazor  HanzoTheRazor 20 2191 636 217 48 3092 5341 2.32
33 33 marciosmg marciosmg 19 2599 612 164 42 3417 5311 2.12
34 34 postofficebuddy postofficebuddy 19 2299 610 232 26 3167 5223 3.50
35 35 kivi95 Kivi95 19 2748 622 161 21 3552 5210 1.90
36 36 DareDareCaro DareDareCaro 19 2246 622 182 50 3100 5182 2.2
37 37 fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 19 2181 614 189 48 3032 5119 1.96
38 38 sirvice SirVice 19 2071 588 202 43 2904 4975 1.93
39 39 Blood_Tears Cold_Stare 19 2517 558 167 18 3260 4851 1.39
40 40 think-man vankwisha 18 2536 499 163 23 3221 4788 1.77
41 41 ultraslick  UltraslicK 18 2227 556 156 40 2979 4755 2.03
42 42 Arcturus  CityWokk 18 2358 589 147 23 3117 4694 2.22
43 43 Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 18 1910 599 186 37 2732 4668 1.92
44 44 sergiodaly SergioDaly 18 2114 489 179 36 2818 4598 2.06
45 45 finalsquall  Finalsquall 18 2221 518 158 30 2927 4565 1.87
46 46 Wagram AnimasPaine 18 1852 546 168 49 2615 4540 2.29
47 47 snfr Elite-Schnupfer 18 2463 460 124 13 3060 4283 1.92
48 49 DarthVolod DarthVolod 17 1091 843 175 36 2145 4259 1.24
49 48 V-r0cK V-r0cK-Kun 17 2002 452 147 38 2639 4244 2.39
50 50 demonfox13 Onikenshi 17 2235 485 119 20 2859 4159 2.15
51 51 Reasonable eddxuk 17 2356 507 120 4 2987 4138 1.50
52 52 Chark GT_168 17 1720 514 153 27 2414 3990 2.27
53 53 chenguo4  chenguo4 17 1843 382 143 43 2411 3981 2.67
54 54 Branko2166 squall-23 17 1722 417 162 30 2331 3888 1.55
55 57 Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 17 1974 456 131 18 2579 3888 1.89
56 55 akuseru Troubl 17 1785 413 146 33 2377 3883 2.34
57 56 Crystalchild Crystalchild 17 2021 452 113 22 2608 3867 2.14
58 58 A203D A203D 17 1580 453 153 38 2224 3860 2.42
59 59 yakuzaIce  YakuzaIce 17 1672 432 142 35 2281 3808 1.83
60 60 radiantshadow92 radiantshadow92 17 1910 440 126 19 2495 3774 2.11
61 61 ruimartiniman danceintothefire 17 2291 453 92 2 2838 3773 2.50
62 62 naruball xena4ever 16 2056 428 99 9 2592 3614 1.67
63 63 michael_stutzer tahsin_sutcuoglu 16 1808 429 114 20 2371 3590 2.37
64 64 yum123 yenny10 16 1949 431 109 10 2499 3585 1.78
65 65 Garamond Garamond1886 16 1876 393 108 21 2398 3562 2.19
66 66 spdk1 SPDK1 16 1509 383 129 13 2034 3205 1.31
67 67 goodfella kassanowa07 15 1507 364 111 23 2005 3177 1.83
68 68 SnakeDrake Snakehunter25 15 1885 363 77 6 2331 3145 1.83
69 69 Lafiel  Lafiel 15 1615 369 103 13 2100 3127 2.31
70 70 Aprisaiden  Aprisaiden 15 1679 357 91 12 2139 3083 1.75
71 71 leatherhat Hatberserker 15 1727 336 84 13 2160 3059 2.31
72 72 grimygunz GrimyGunZ 15 1808 343 78 8 2237 3058 1.75
73 73 Ka-pi96 Ka-Pi96 15 1307 463 89 22 1881 3031 1.84
74 75 finalrpgfantasy Edward-rpgfan 15 1486 323 77 21 1907 2846 2.24
75 74 phinch1 phinch 15 1709 302 76 6 2093 2841 1.83
76 76 almcchesney almcchesney 14 1948 254 29 0 2231 2630  - 
77 77 Dgc1808 Detsuki-G 14 1321 338 65 16 1740 2579 2.20
78 78 eFKac Filip_Kackiewicz 14 1305 278 91 13 1687 2563 2
79 79 Acevil Acevil 14 1339 301 60 14 1714 2469 1.77
80 80 jadakiss1217 party29 14 1344 235 69 14 1662 2396 1.79
81 81 fireburden5  JakeC24 14 1009 296 88 17 1410 2333 2.06
82 82 Simulacrum Criminal916 14 1335 299 57 3 1694 2311 2.67
83 83 Cleaner475 cleaner475 14 1419 271 47 4 1741 2291 2.50
84 84 Tailgunner Railgunner 14 1447 232 48 6 1733 2271 1.17
85 85 Finnbar Gonff 14 1355 247 56 4 1662 2233 1.50
86 86 Stefl1504 Stefl1504 14 1484 190 50 2 1726 2188 2.00
87 87 EncodedNybble EncodedNybble 14 1074 256 59 19 1408 2168 2.74
88 88 zuvuyeay Zuvuyeay 14 1057 283 68 10 1418 2151 1.6
89 89 mjk45 mjk45 13 1483 193 39 2 1717 2127 2.00
90 90 Nanaki TurquiseNanaki 13 1100 238 61 15 1414 2122 2.00
91 91 Corey Corza736 13 1307 233 48 5 1593 2121 2.00
92 92 axumblade  Axumblade 13 1189 223 58 8 1478 2079 1.29
93 93 Scisca Scisca 13 915 318 61 11 1305 2049 1.70
94 94 Shorty11857 shorty11857 13 1204 233 51 5 1493 2036 1.80
95 95 DamnTastic DamnTastic 13 1163 180 62 6 1411 1967 2.2
96 96 binary solo binary_solo69 13 997 253 59 9 1318 1965 2.00
97 97 SOLDIER_Cloud dezz100 13 970 222 61 7 1260 1864 1.71
98 98 REDZONE REDZONE_313 13 1039 211 42 8 1300 1809 2.13
99 99 mysticwolf SmashBro22 13 1108 183 34 7 1332 1762 1.60
100 100 perpride Darth-Cidius 13 957 204 47 9 1217 1755 2.00
101 102 Robbie2010 LogicOverAll 13 885 233 58 4 1180 1747 1.50
102 101 Gab gabeish 13 855 256 45 8 1164 1733 2.20
103 103 xstonexcold316x  SP3NCE1325 13 1002 215 42 2 1261 1708 1.00
104 104 sub-zero-TM TheSypherBoy7873 13 1051 173 41 5 1270 1703 2.00
105 105 torok leotorok 13 1111 165 31 5 1312 1687 1.60
106 106 SnakeEyez  SnakeEyez 13 947 198 40 3 1188 1619 2.33
107 108 luizje Luizje050 12 553 275 63 11 902 1613 2.30
108 107 theprof00 aortictwister 12 739 165 63 11 978 1579 1.64
109 109 homer power_hungryfool 12 824 174 40 6 1044 1484 1.83
110 110 Joka_  JOKA_THE_SMOKA 12 821 145 41 6 1013 1429 2.60
111 111 Kantor LordElite 12 842 175 28 3 1048 1396 2.00
112 112 brute TB-ALBON 12 606 186 48 9 849 1374 2.00
113 113 MANUELF Climb25 12 418 195 66 12 691 1348 1.58
114 114 Tecmo D-Day_11 12 677 150 47 7 881 1343 2.00
115 115 yog-sothot yog-sothot 12 714 177 34 5 930 1332 2.20
116 116 ThatGreekGuy Mitsos1311 12 746 160 27 2 935 1252 1.00
117 117 rakugakist pulptarantino 12 554 126 46 10 736 1202 1.90
118 118 Fufinu Fufinu 12 703 108 24 4 839 1111 2.00
119 119 Fusioncode FusionCode 11 635 106 28 3 772 1051 2.00
120 120 Ferryarthur FerryArthur 11 656 136 15 1 808 1030 2.00
121 121 Ssenkahdavic Ssenkahdavic 11 578 100 22 4 704 958 2.25
122 122 agardini51 gardini51 10 517 110 26 3 656 929 1.33
123 123 MaxwellGT2000 maxwellgt2000 10 639 90 16 1 746 927 2.00
124 124 puertoecuanama  puertoecuanama 10 481 132 21 4 638 919 2.75
125 125 zexen_lowe zexen47 10 580 101 18 2 701 914 1.5
126 126 insomniac17  aceninja007 10 488 109 25 3 625 892 2.33
127 127 dsgrue3 dsgrue3 10 504 113 16 1 634 838 2.00
128 128 weaveworld Weaveworld 10 467 103 18 3 591 817 1.67
129 129 Christopher_G2 Chris_Mofo 9 515 86 17 0 618 789  - 
130 130 Geo TheGeoKing 9 333 97 26 3 459 719 1.67
131 131 Devil_Survivor Devil_Survivor69 9 420 71 18 4 513 718 1.75
132 132 bmaker11  BoilerMaker11 8 467 60 5 0 532 617  - 
133 133 dharh dharh 7 359 45 8 0 412 497  - 
134 134 Rainbow Yoshi Formula1Fanboy 6 258 26 7 0 291 352  - 
135 135 Klucifer KLucifer 6 232 30 8 0 270 340  - 
136 136 Siko1989 siko1989 6 185 35 5 0 225 285  - 
137 137 psrock  psrock1 6 225 18 3 0 246 279  - 
138 138 MDMAlliance anzolr 5 97 15 8 1 121 187 1.00
139 139 d2wi Dracens 4 87 8 5 0 100 133  - 

Platinum Leaderboard

VGchartz Username PSN ID Platinum Count Platinum Points Plat Difficulty Avg
KylieDog KylieDog 142 326 2.30
Dark Odin  lebeau 169 309 1.83
HideoK  HideoK 118 229 1.94
mattbfg mattbfg 114 221 1.94
Tbone DPatriot 72 216 3.00
Esquoret Esquoret 104 213 2.05
docholliday docholliday03 113 201 1.78
ail  Aildiin 85 199 2.34
badgenome PublicSudoku 101 198 1.96
getrdone  getrdone25 92 185 2.01
MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 80 162 2.03
Eindyien Eindyien 66 150 2.27
Jboy0990 jboy0990 71 143 2.01
Xenostar Xenostar 86 138 1.60
jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 69 130 1.88
ethomaz ethomaz 55 127 2.31
veritaz Faster55 79 123 1.56
fadetoone FadeToOne 65 121 1.86
chenguo4  chenguo4 43 115 2.67
maximus22 coximus22 38 114 3.00

Busiest Members

VGchartz Username PSN ID Pts This Week Pts Last Week Increase
maximus22 coximus22 5618 5402 216
veritaz Faster55 12671 12538 133
ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 9194 9077 117
Jboy0990 jboy0990 7591 7508 83
Esquoret Esquoret 9921 9845 76
Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 4668 4596 72
docholliday docholliday03 11088 11018 70
fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 5119 5054 65
sirvice SirVice 4975 4920 55
Arcturus  CityWokk 4694 4641 53

Platinum Trophies Earned

maximus22 Wipeout 2
docholliday PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate
Esquoret Lemmings Touch
veritaz Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
veritaz Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
ghettoglamour Transistor
ghettoglamour Watch Dogs
Jboy0990 Call of Duty: Ghosts
torok Tearaway
Robbie2010 The Witch and the Hundred Knights
Chevinator123 Watch Dogs