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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

fps_d0minat0r said:
Esquoret said:
fps_d0minat0r said:

btw blog share got rebooted.... so if you guys want to see changes to the trophy system, be sure to vote on the relevant ideas.
Heres a few of them...

All good ideas. I wonder what are the chances of their implementation.

Probably a better one than all of them just got posted =P

Haha that's not that important. But I like your idea of a special sound for platinum trophies though.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

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fps_d0minat0r said:
Thanks for the update. Was hoping to have AC liberation platinum done but the online is so tedious.

btw blog share got rebooted.... so if you guys want to see changes to the trophy system, be sure to vote on the relevant ideas.
Heres a few of them...

We shouldn't even have to ask for offline trophies.  It's just a way for Sony to keep people logging in.  Why else would they remove a staple feature between generations?

Deleting trophies would be awesome.  I would like to be able to erase some games from memory completely.  Ugh, leisure suit larry box office bust still haunts my dreams.

The Last of Us platinum is mine ;)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I'm not sure if everyone here knows about this feature. You can hide all trophies from any game if you want. On , I don't think it counts games at 0% towards completion percentage, but for games were you got 1-2 trophies it will raise it by hiding those games. You'll just drop a little in the leaderboards here perhaps. Would make it very confusing for Arcturus if you hide a platinum though....

Here's how to do it. I only know from the PS3, but I think you can do it from the PS4 and Vita as well.

On PS3 go to your trophy icon on the XMB and hit triangle. Choose to view trophies in "online mode". then click on the trophy icon to launch your trophy list. Next highlight the game you wish to remove and hit triangle, choose "privacy settings" and then hide all trophies for this game.

You could finally hide MLB: The Show and Grand Theft Auto IV.
And raise your percentage a lot by dropping the 1-2 trophies you got in Castle Crashers, Penny Arcade, and Fear 2.
Oh and congrats on the Last of Us platinum!

EU ps+ for June. Not confirmed but looks legit.


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HideoK said:

I'm not sure if everyone here knows about this feature. You can hide all trophies from any game if you want. On , I don't think it counts games at 0% towards completion percentage, but for games were you got 1-2 trophies it will raise it by hiding those games. You'll just drop a little in the leaderboards here perhaps. Would make it very confusing for Arcturus if you hide a platinum though....

Here's how to do it. I only know from the PS3, but I think you can do it from the PS4 and Vita as well.

On PS3 go to your trophy icon on the XMB and hit triangle. Choose to view trophies in "online mode". then click on the trophy icon to launch your trophy list. Next highlight the game you wish to remove and hit triangle, choose "privacy settings" and then hide all trophies for this game.

You could finally hide MLB: The Show and Grand Theft Auto IV.
And raise your percentage a lot by dropping the 1-2 trophies you got in Castle Crashers, Penny Arcade, and Fear 2.
Oh and congrats on the Last of Us platinum!

The 0% are not counted as you said and they are the only one I would want to hide( because I have never played them, GTA4 patch was installed by my stepdaughter on vacations and she played the game a whole 5 minutes..) so I'm not changing anything...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

KylieDog said:
Tbone said:

EU ps+ for June. Not confirmed but looks legit.

Wow so not only do we not get 3 PS3 games, but now only 1 Vita game?  Hope this is not true.

Thx for update as always Arc.

Here´s US


KylieDog said:

Wow so not only do we not get 3 PS3 games, but now only 1 Vita game?  Hope this is not true.

Thx for update as always Arc. edit - or not, was looking at last weeks update.

I think its just missing from the banner.

Theres a massive shitstorm coming if they have reduced it to just 1 vita game.

Maybe we are getting batman blackgate too like the US? (since we already got guacamelee)

Never bought Guacamelee; awesome!

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

No league update this week?