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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Jboy0990 said:
Well its about friggin time
I got my first platinum :) lol
but yeah i agree u should remove them cuz i don't think its right for some people to have such few posts but still be in the league


Congratulations friend :D. Feels good, huh?

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

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hahaha yeah it sure does

Team Rainbow trophy for Pixeljunk Monsters is hard as hell!
But i got it :) lol
theres another gold trophy for me lol

Thats it ive offically had it with Motorstorm pacific rift getting the online ranked trophy is so fucking annoying i really dont know if i ever try and get it anymore.


Kylie is Mirror's Edge any good?

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Ok thanks cuz i was debatin on what my next new game should be
I know i'm gettin RE5 but i planned on a game before that so it might be that since its short lol

I might just rent it

Munkeh111 said:
@ hideoK, are you talking 24 consecutive weeks? that does sound okay

yes 24 consecutive weeks. I meant to write 26 consecutive weeks which would be exactly 6 months.



I would recommend renting Mirrors Edge due to the length. It is fun and I played through the game twice. I was let down at first because I bought it and ran through it in 2 days. But I recently did my 2nd play on Hard and I liked it a lot more due to the more challenging difficulty and I used weapons this time around. The game really is unique so I think you should play it. Just don't expect to be blown away... especially not with the story.

Also once you beat the game there are time trials. I was trying the 3rd time trial and racing the fastest guy in the world's ghost one night for a couple hours with countless re-tries. I got through half of the level one time and I was only 5 seconds behind him... but then I would lose him again. I gave up... he is way too good.


You talkin about that Adam Woodcock guy?

I remember readin somethin about him in GameInformer.

But yeah anyways thanks I'll be sure to rent it I hate games that don't really take that long

Uncharted is like that

I beat that in one day prety much

I just don't feel like beatin it 3 more times

sirvice said:
Existing League members:
In my opinion a no-trophy-earnt-counter is a good way to keep an eye on exsisting members. i think 3 months of not collecting trophies is enough for beeing deleted.

in case someone gets deleted, is there any way to rejoin? if so, i guess it can be done by collecting trophies again? how many (e.g. additional 50 to be back on the league)? BUT, dont you have to check every single inactive member if he/she fullfills the criteria to rejoin? Or any inactive member has to send a mail to "Mr. Trophy league" informing he/she has collected additional 50 trophies, thus no "inactive check" has to be done...

dont know if increase of posts should be tracked as well... (4-10/ month)

Entry criteria:
as i said before, certain amount of trophies needed to join wont decrease the work effort. it is just a delay before work for admin kicks in. further more everybody should have the chance to start on the bottom to work his way up to the top of the table...

only way to track active members, dont like it very much but its necessary


I think allowing people to rejoin is a must. We don't want to "ban" users from the league just for inactivity. One member, I believe it was kasillas88, sat with the same amount of points for a few months. Turns out he's in the military and was deployed. He has since returned and has been earning trophies. I do, however, think that if I user wants to rejoin after being dropped from the list, that they should make an effort to inform us that they have started earning trophies again and would like to rejoin. I don't want the work to fall all on me to check if dropped members have been earning trophies again.


A question to all of you, trophies addicts

Which game will be easier to get a platinum for?

Resistance 2

Cause I will maybe rent a game soon and having become a trophies addict myself, I would like to know.

I say rent, because buying here is too expensive. So, maybe, if I rent the game a couple of times, I will be able to finish it and get the most trophies as possible.