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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Jboy0990 said:

Yeah but i highly doubt anybody can really get that trophy

No one is that good i don't think


 You don't have to be good you just need to not have a social life.

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893

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Naw i think u gotta be good(which i highly doubt anybody is that good)
Unless like Flow said ur just a careful sniper but thing is when u kill someone it shows them where ur at so it gives up ur location
So pretty much there isnt a way to get that trophy cuz also u gotta place 1st

KylieDog said:
There is a whole bunch of Warhawk trophies that there is no way in hell anyone earned without stat padding. The ones like top score in a deathmatch without a death, or team deathmatch without death.

No way can you be that offensive without someone getting a kill on you.

...but then I can't even get 6 people into a dropship with me, so whatever :p


Yeah you can for those, but not for the one related to medals/badges/rank.

I actually got the deathmatch top score no death and TDM deathmatch no dead on official server.

Trick was : join an empty official server, hope someone else joins, kill them first and then hide :P

Each time the other person left and whenever someone else would join I would stay hidden and then would leave after 1 minute or so. So I did it with 1 kill and still won the match :P It was the week after the trophy patch though so I am guessing most of the people joining a game with only me in were after the same thing.

But yeah, I highly doubt you can get those on packed games...

I actually got most of the trophies on official servers and then I realized you could get them in co-op mode playing both players and that's how I finished the one not related to ranked server.( a lot faster lol).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I was checking trophies on my PS3 and realized I have 100% trophies for 7 of the last 8 games I have played ( only 63% for Battlefield Bad Company :().

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I'm finally done with the 10k kills in Resistance 2 (well I'm at 9750, almost done). Honestly, I got kinda bored of the online mode! There are not enough maps in skirmish.

All I need now is to beat the game in the highest difficulty, and 2-3 other trophies.

Resistance 2 platinum, here I come!

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Good luck with Battlefield
There is no way possible to get the 'I Am Bad Company' trophy

Just one more trophy on Dead Space and then i get the platinum :p

@ tremble
Keep going m8 soon you'll get there but you maybe lucky any they gold b4 the 10k count like me(recievied at 9.5k)

At warhawk I got half way through but even with the bonus 50pts win it's just 2 long especially getting the weapon medals that need 1000kills each :(

Started farcry 2 and just so long... When will developers make a game packed with things to do instead of hiding a short game with ridiculous driving to pad the game out, least the game is good just online trophy hard dammit.

New annoyance thou is games not being open globally as countless American friends want me to play matches but stupid game won't do it eg. Buzz and mk vs DC :(

ok am really losing interest in trophies, before i didnt mind to play a game i hated just for trophies, but now i just hate getting annoyed just to get a trophy...but hopefully once killzone 2 and more interesting games come out this year, i will be interested again...

anyways i saw HideoK pointing out that some members dont have a lot of posts and they shud be removed...i have a low number of posts as well and am not that active so Arcturus feel free to remove me from ur list til i have enough post number or till i become active...i know u have been spending alot of time orginizing this league and thx for it...

I agree some companys have forgot what trophys are about and recently games have just become to stupid.
My new anger is at farcry 2! After getting half way through a glitch has come up! I have to rescue a buddy and then chat 2 him only problem being he won't talk as he has popped up in wrong place for talk button to work!! Thankfully have a save from 2hrs before but what a kick in the balls from ubisoft!