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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Thats funny.

Thanks for the Endless wave tip in Plants vs Zombies. I had a better strategy with cob cannons and didnt need to save this time, but I did back out and save at wave 30 just to be safe. This time I barely broke a sweat. only lost 1 unit on wave 40.

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postofficebuddy said:
Recently I've been thinking about picking up a Vita. There's a few games that I'm interested in for it (Persona 4, Gravity Rush, Ninja Gaiden Sigma). Worth the investment or should I wait for a price cut? Been making good progress with the SSF4 trials. As far as the difficult characters are concerned I've gotten Viper, Cammy, Ryu, and I'm very close to getting Ibuki. The high jump cancel in her 24th trial is actually a bit more forgiving than I expected it to be. I can do the light kick->medium kick into ultra with some degree of regularity. I just need to get that one lucky run where I string it all together. Ironically enough Zangief's 24th has been driving me nuts. In SF4 it took me less than 10 minutes.

I'd say wait for the Assassin's Creed bundle if you like the new color, otherwise just get it now. The price cut will probably be for the memory cards and it will be a small amount. I don't think that is worth the wait. I also think you should consider Rayman. Been playing it for a month and still enjoy it a lot. It is one of the best platformers I've played.

michael_stutzer said:
postofficebuddy said:
Recently I've been thinking about picking up a Vita. There's a few games that I'm interested in for it (Persona 4, Gravity Rush, Ninja Gaiden Sigma). Worth the investment or should I wait for a price cut? Been making good progress with the SSF4 trials. As far as the difficult characters are concerned I've gotten Viper, Cammy, Ryu, and I'm very close to getting Ibuki. The high jump cancel in her 24th trial is actually a bit more forgiving than I expected it to be. I can do the light kick->medium kick into ultra with some degree of regularity. I just need to get that one lucky run where I string it all together. Ironically enough Zangief's 24th has been driving me nuts. In SF4 it took me less than 10 minutes.

I'd say wait for the Assassin's Creed bundle if you like the new color, otherwise just get it now. The price cut will probably be for the memory cards and it will be a small amount. I don't think that is worth the wait. I also think you should consider Rayman. Been playing it for a month and still enjoy it a lot. It is one of the best platformers I've played.

Thanks for the advice. I just decided to preorder the AC bundle today. I'll check out Rayman. It's been a while since I had some good platforming action.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

postofficebuddy said:
Recently I've been thinking about picking up a Vita. There's a few games that I'm interested in for it (Persona 4, Gravity Rush, Ninja Gaiden Sigma). Worth the investment or should I wait for a price cut? Been making good progress with the SSF4 trials. As far as the difficult characters are concerned I've gotten Viper, Cammy, Ryu, and I'm very close to getting Ibuki. The high jump cancel in her 24th trial is actually a bit more forgiving than I expected it to be. I can do the light kick->medium kick into ultra with some degree of regularity. I just need to get that one lucky run where I string it all together. Ironically enough Zangief's 24th has been driving me nuts. In SF4 it took me less than 10 minutes.

Thats the only game that i´m interested in, dunno if its worth it though.


Darksiders 2 has a Nightmare mode. It sounds like Dead Space 2, but possibly worse!! You have to complete the game without dying in combat. If you die you lose all saves associated with that playthrough! Here is the official press release:

"For those of you wanting additional challenge, Darksiders II will feature a Hardcore Difficulty which will unlock once you finish the main game. In this mode players have one life and if they lose it via a combat death they lose all saves associated with that playthrough and will have to start from scratch. This is a truly apocalyptic challenge for only the most skilled horsemen!

Keep in mind again that your save file is only reset if you die in combat, so things like falling deaths or getting killed by lava are not things that will reset your gameplay within Nightmare mode."

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Saw one of the first reviews for Darksiders II from a German magazine I've never heard of, but they gave it a 93/100 :)

Edit: Consol Plus praised the game’s deep loot system, dungeon design, puzzles, and epic as well as complex boss battles.

The magazine apparently mentions that Darksiders II offers arenas that are filled with monsters and mini-bosses of the realm you’re visiting. This aspect is extended online through leaderboards. Players will also be able to take the title online with loot sharing.

If you pre-order the game direct from THQ you get a season pass for all 3 DLC's for free (30 day, 60, and 90 day DLC). Other retailers only offer the 1st DLC for free with a pre-order.

One final thing about Darksiders II before I turn this into the Darksiders II league. lol
If you have the platinum trophy or played the first you get bonuses in the sequel:

"If you've just played the first game, you'll receive a level five legendary armour piece known as the Pauldron of the Horsemen, which increases all of Death's stats and critical damage in the sequel.

If you completed the original, you will get the rather awesome sounding Chaos Fang – a new scythe that increases Death's damage.
The items are unlocked based on the achievements/trophies you have unlocked in the first game."

As you can tell I'm really excited for Darksiders, it's less than 2 weeks away!

hi. there is a summer sale on PSN here in europe. in the list LA Noire is about 14£ for the standard and 20£ for the complete edition... my question for you is, is the game good and worth the price? should i buy the standard or the complete edition?

Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4

HideoK said:
One final thing about Darksiders II before I turn this into the Darksiders II league. lol
If you have the platinum trophy or played the first you get bonuses in the sequel:

"If you've just played the first game, you'll receive a level five legendary armour piece known as the Pauldron of the Horsemen, which increases all of Death's stats and critical damage in the sequel.

If you completed the original, you will get the rather awesome sounding Chaos Fang – a new scythe that increases Death's damage.
The items are unlocked based on the achievements/trophies you have unlocked in the first game."

As you can tell I'm really excited for Darksiders, it's less than 2 weeks away!

I played Darksiders recently.  I didn't think it was good enough to run out and get the second one.  Might get it when it drops to 10 bucks.

To me it was just a more boring God of War clone (the irony being that the character is actually War).