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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Yeah I would consider playing MS2 (4) more times for plat if I could run through it in less than 4 hours each time with a speed run. But not when you have to stick up and shake down every guard for their dog tags on all playthroughs. No thanks. That probably adds at least 5 more hours to each playthrough and its not fun.

On the other note: I'm showing no signs of slowing down. Now that's in winter time I have a much better excuse to stay indoors and play games all day/night. Good luck keeping up!

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Arcturus said:
Finished MGS3. Now on to a second play through to collect the remaining trophies. Shooting all of the kerotans is going to be an interesting task, especially the ones towards the end of the game during the motorcycle chase. If I miss one of them during that part, how far will I have to go back to redo that part? Can I save during the motorcycle scenes?

Yeah what KylieDog said. The motorcycle scenes weren't too bad for the reason that you can restart each checkpoint. Had to do a few restarts on the kerotan under the guards legs at the blockade (kept shooting the guard) and the one one the signpost on the runway once. Otherwise not bad.

Got to mention it before I start a new game and shoots down my completion rate but right now it is up to 82.1% !!!
Highest in a long time for me...
I might get as high as 82.3% when I get AC Revelations plat...


My backlog isn't looking too good though.
I have a backlog of 10 full games I haven't started and I want to get FF XIII-2 and Kingdom of Amalur : Reckoning...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Looks like the 12 for '12 sale starts today.

I think I'll pick up Dungeon Defenders.

Arcturus said:
Looks like the 12 for '12 sale starts today.

I think I'll pick up Dungeon Defenders.

I recommend it !

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Any idea on what "Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3" platinum will be rated?

Most of the trophies aren't too bad with the exception of the "Get to Rank 6" which requires you to win A LOT online. I guess if you're good, it's not so bad but for the average person this trophy is pretty much impossible unless you game it (only play against your friends in ranked matches)

EncodedNybble said:
Any idea on what "Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3" platinum will be rated?

Most of the trophies aren't too bad with the exception of the "Get to Rank 6" which requires you to win A LOT online. I guess if you're good, it's not so bad but for the average person this trophy is pretty much impossible unless you game it (only play against your friends in ranked matches)

Looks to be a 4 or 5 star platinum.

EncodedNybble said:
Any idea on what "Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3" platinum will be rated?

Most of the trophies aren't too bad with the exception of the "Get to Rank 6" which requires you to win A LOT online. I guess if you're good, it's not so bad but for the average person this trophy is pretty much impossible unless you game it (only play against your friends in ranked matches)

the 480 missions is not an easy task either. imo its more a 5 star than a 4 star platinum.


Arcturus said:
Looks like the 12 for '12 sale starts today.

I think I'll pick up Dungeon Defenders.

Like Ail, I highly recommend it. Just don't expect it to be an easy plat :P

I only have around 30 more treasures to find in Uncharted 3, one miscellaneous trophy (I think) and then a run through on Crushing to get the plat for that game.

I have about 5-6 more games besides Uncharted 3 that I want to go through before I start any new ones, although I did get a $50 PSN card for the 12 for 12 sale tonight (still not sure about Payday, but it might be hard to pass up for $10). DW7: Xtreme Legends, Warriors Legends of Troy, Lego Star Wars 3, Section 8: Prejudice, Dungeon Defenders and EDF.