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Finished MGS3. Now on to a second play through to collect the remaining trophies. Shooting all of the kerotans is going to be an interesting task, especially the ones towards the end of the game during the motorcycle chase. If I miss one of them during that part, how far will I have to go back to redo that part? Can I save during the motorcycle scenes?

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The first 10 hours of playing AC Revelations were ok but the game is already getting to be repetitive.
I wish Ubisoft sticked to a one AC game every 2 years schedule...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

So after a bit of a hiatus I'm back to working on the Ico/SOTC collection. Going through SOTC on hard ATM. Is this going to be a 4 or 5 star? I know the third colossus on hard time attack is brutally hard.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

It doesn't have an official rating on PS3Trophies, but a majority of the votes are 8s, 9s and 10s, so it's most likely going to be a 4 star.

It's rated 8.5/10 on PS3Trophies, so it's most likely going to be a 4 star plat.

MasterVG71782 said:

It's rated 8.5/10 on PS3Trophies, so it's most likely going to be a 4 star plat.

That is correct.

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KylieDog said:
Arcturus said:
Finished MGS3. Now on to a second play through to collect the remaining trophies. Shooting all of the kerotans is going to be an interesting task, especially the ones towards the end of the game during the motorcycle chase. If I miss one of them during that part, how far will I have to go back to redo that part? Can I save during the motorcycle scenes?

I did this on the PS2 version, during the motorcycle chase there are several loading points usually split by a short cutscenes if I remembe right, you can save game at every single one I think.  Each one has its own Kerotan also.  Some aren't too bad but a couple like the ones on the runway are silly, you need use a sniper rifle and it is very hard to tell if you've even hit it since they so far away you cannot hear the noise they make when shot very ell or even at all.  I suggest several save files during the latter part of the game incase you miss one.

I don't know what the HD collection has done but on PS2 in some areas the Kerotans are in different places depending on the region of the game, so if you see one missing on whatever guide you follow try looking at another regions guide.  No many of them are moved, only a handful.

Be aware trying this on anything above normal difficulty will be nearly impossible, since you need ignore enemies on bike sections and they'll kill you or just throw your aim off too much shooting you, even on normal is very hard.

Thanks for the good advice, KylieDog. I'm happy to hear that you can save between each motorcycle scene. I think it would have been a nightmare if you could only save before the two Volgin boss fights. I would not want to do those over and over again to get to the point where each kerotans are.

@dark Odin u just tell the ai to disarm it, I got it on the map were u have to fuel the plane, enemy place mines around the objective so wipe the enemy and tell ai to disarm mine next to objective. Was annoying at first till I realised ai only does mines close to objective.

@kyliedog yeh this ribbon is fustrating, Iv been awarded squad elimination I think twice since playing and that seemed random but never twice in 1 game and only thing holding me bk for multiplier section apart from level 45, still plenty of levelling up first so hope I get it by accident

KylieDog said:
Arcturus said:

Thanks for the good advice, KylieDog. I'm happy to hear that you can save between each motorcycle scene. I think it would have been a nightmare if you could only save before the two Volgin boss fights. I would not want to do those over and over again to get to the point where each kerotans are.

I forgot to mention, a Kerotan only counts if you save in the NEXT area, not the one you shot it in.

For example, you are in area A, you shoot a Kerotan in area A, then save game while still in area A.  Now if you die and need load you will be in area A again because that is where you saved but that Kerotan does not count and you MUST shoot it again.

To correctly save you shoot a Kerotan in area A, then move into area B (new loaded area), then you save.  Kerotan in area A is now saved forever.

Yes, I've read about the effects of saving, and I've been careful to save only when I first enter an area. Thanks again!

maximus22 said:
Anybody know if Metal Gear Solid 2 will be a 3 or 4 start plat? I'm starting it after MGS3 and it looks like it will take 5 playthroughs at least.

MGS 2 plat is poorly designed. You have to beat the game 5 times, once on each difficulty. On top of that you have to get the dog tags from every soldier on all 5 playthroughs. Terrible. All dog tags is bad enough once and IMO you should only have to beat the game on the hardest difficulty which unlocks the rest (like Uncharted).

HideoK said:
maximus22 said:
Anybody know if Metal Gear Solid 2 will be a 3 or 4 start plat? I'm starting it after MGS3 and it looks like it will take 5 playthroughs at least.

MGS 2 plat is poorly designed. You have to beat the game 5 times, once on each difficulty. On top of that you have to get the dog tags from every soldier on all 5 playthroughs. Terrible. All dog tags is bad enough once and IMO you should only have to beat the game on the hardest difficulty which unlocks the rest (like Uncharted).

God that kind of shit is stupid, whats the fun in playing it through on the easiest difficulty when youve done it on harder ones. 

On another not stop collecting trophies HideoK, im struggling to keep up and im playing loads!!