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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

KylieDog said:
Well with the rumour of a price drop at Gamescom next month and the fact that the 160GB PS3 slims (the cheapest) seem to be not getting stock anywhere (phased out?) I'm gonna be waiting at least 30 days from now before I buy a PS3.

What is most annoying is that it was used so much for many things, streaming movies, watching DVD/Blu-ray, music, used for TV catch-up on the web on things like BBC iplayer, 4oD etc. This TV in the PS3 room cannot get good reception so the PS3 was used instead for entertainment needs.

Annoying :/

Yeah, they've been doing a bunch of $50-100 gift card incentives here fofr the 160gb to offload stock.  It got replaced by the 320 I think.

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KylieDog said:
Well with the rumour of a price drop at Gamescom next month and the fact that the 160GB PS3 slims (the cheapest) seem to be not getting stock anywhere (phased out?) I'm gonna be waiting at least 30 days from now before I buy a PS3.

What is most annoying is that it was used so much for many things, streaming movies, watching DVD/Blu-ray, music, used for TV catch-up on the web on things like BBC iplayer, 4oD etc. This TV in the PS3 room cannot get good reception so the PS3 was used instead for entertainment needs.

Annoying :/
It only does everything... Until it YLOD's of course!

But I hear ya man my PS3 is also my entertainment hub and would suck to be without it for any length of time

KylieDog said:
Well with the rumour of a price drop at Gamescom next month and the fact that the 160GB PS3 slims (the cheapest) seem to be not getting stock anywhere (phased out?) I'm gonna be waiting at least 30 days from now before I buy a PS3.

What is most annoying is that it was used so much for many things, streaming movies, watching DVD/Blu-ray, music, used for TV catch-up on the web on things like BBC iplayer, 4oD etc. This TV in the PS3 room cannot get good reception so the PS3 was used instead for entertainment needs.

Annoying :/
It only does everything... Until it YLOD's of course!

But I hear ya man my PS3 is also my entertainment hub and would suck to be without it for any length of time

Mine is now VERY loud again so im hopeing it will last till the next price cut so i can just upgrade to a slim. im away this next week then hopefully it only has to last another 2 weeks after that, im backing up my saves after every play session tho i can tell ya that. 

Bit of a worry there phasing out the 160gigs, cos probably means if there is a price cut it will be a smaller £50 one off set with a bigger hdd.

I have my own HDD so i really wish i could just by an even cheaper one with no drive at all.

Not really sure why so many people prefer Honest Hearts over Dead Money for Fallout New Vegas DLC.
Honest Hearts was kind of a let down for me.
Very short and very easy. I guess they expect you to fully explore the map of Zion which I didn't do...


Anyway Gobi desert sniper rifle + sneak one shots everything in the DLC...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

KylieDog said:
That is my problem, I got a HDD so I just want the cheapest new PS3 I can find. What is especially annoying is GAME and Amazon were selling PS3 last month for as little at £150, for 160GB one. Now 160GB out of stock most places and the ones that do have it are £235+

My YLOD came as the worst possible timing, after the retailer sales ended and a over a month to find out if a price cut coming.

not really sure how you are handling it.

I bought a new PS3 3 hours after my old one got the YLOD, then I spent a few days finding someone to repair the old one and to get it repaired...

I just coudn't be without one for so long..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Yeah, I guess I got a tad bit lucky with my Slim purchase after my MGS4 bundle YLoD'd. Amazon had 160 GB black ops bundle + $50 gift card. I purchased that, sold blops for $42. So, it was like a $90-ish pricecut for me with a little bit of hassle.

Started doing speed runs on Mirror´s edge. Man people weren´t kidding they are real pain in the ass. I´m struggling more then on Wipeout .


Nope started on Speed runs first lol.


Man, I love the atmosphere of Mirror's Edge...hope DICE gets to make the sequel sometime. Speedrun was challenging and fun. I remember lying on my bed and just thinking about how to beat the second level - playing it over and over in my head. Also the theme song gets stuck in my head's so beautiful. Feel so emo listening to it... @_@

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

Deus Ex: Human revolution trophy list

Pretty good list .

Catherine trophy list