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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

KylieDog said:

Oh, does anyone know, if I remove my PS3 hardrive and put in the old hardrive it had (I had a 40GB and upgraded it to 320GB), then get it repaired, then after I put my 320GB back in will it work like normal or will it do an automatic format of the drive?

To be clear...I know putting that drive in any other PS3 will format it, but will removing it and putting it back into the same one cause a format?  There are some personal things on the PS3 my partner and I would rather whoever repairs it does not see, so would like to remove the hardrive and swap for the older one while the repair is done.

If i recall correctly the ps3 works with just one hd, the one which was last formated. in your case i think after swapping the 40gb back to the 320Gb (after the repair) you will be asked to format the 320Gb in order to use it again. Sorry!

if you dont want anybody to have a chance to get/view your sensible data im afraid you have to repair it yourself or just format the 320gb

Edit: or you find someone who repairs it without the hd, which excludes sony. Keep in mind the one repairing it cant test full functionality this way.


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Ail said:
Best Buy has an offer where if you preorder 5 titles you get 100$ in reward zone rewards so I preordered the following :

- Skyrim
- Resistance 3
- Assassin's Creed Revelations
- Batman : Arkham's city
- Uncharted 3

Great deal. I hope has all those games with a $20 pre-order gift card too. I have all those pre-ordered and fully paid for right now from previous gift cards & game trade in money except for AC Revelations. Waiting for more gift cards for that one.

For the past 2-3 years I've ordered all my games from Amazon, and I haven't been to a Gamestop since. The last game I bought from BestBuy was NBA 09: The Inside. 

HideoK said:

Great deal. I hope has all those games with a $20 pre-order gift card too. I have all those pre-ordered and fully paid for right now from previous gift cards & game trade in money except for AC Revelations. Waiting for more gift cards for that one.

For the past 2-3 years I've ordered all my games from Amazon, and I haven't been to a Gamestop since. The last game I bought from BestBuy was NBA 09: The Inside. 

Yeah, the Best Buy deal isn't bad, but I can certainly wait to get them cheaper from Amazon or elsewhere.  I also have amassed $75 of free Gamestop gift cards for taking surveys, so eventually I'll need to figure out what to spend them on.

HideoK said:
Ail said:
Best Buy has an offer where if you preorder 5 titles you get 100$ in reward zone rewards so I preordered the following :

- Skyrim
- Resistance 3
- Assassin's Creed Revelations
- Batman : Arkham's city
- Uncharted 3

Great deal. I hope has all those games with a $20 pre-order gift card too. I have all those pre-ordered and fully paid for right now from previous gift cards & game trade in money except for AC Revelations. Waiting for more gift cards for that one.

For the past 2-3 years I've ordered all my games from Amazon, and I haven't been to a Gamestop since. The last game I bought from BestBuy was NBA 09: The Inside. 

I go to Best Buy every Friday at lunch..

I am a silver reward zone member and I have a reward zone mastercard so i get 20 to 30$ of free stuff every month ( I get 2% back as Best Buy certificates on every restaurant bill for example, 1% on every other purchase, 5% on Best Buy purchases).

That deal is actually a lot better for me as I will get an additional 36$ back due to all of that so in total I will get 136$ back...( i get 12% back for every game I purchase at best Buy btw master card, silver membership and gamer club stuff) so that will put each game at 33$, hard to beat....( I will pay 60 and get 27$ back per game, I don't think you can get them cheaper anywhere on release day...)

I had considered switching to Amazon but the Amazon Visa isn't as great and you can't use the cash back on kindle purchases which are my main amazon purchases).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:

I go to Best Buy every Friday at lunch..

I am a silver reward zone member and I have a reward zone mastercard so i get 20 to 30$ of free stuff every month ( I get 2% back as Best Buy certificates on every restaurant bill for example, 1% on every other purchase, 5% on Best Buy purchases).

That deal is actually a lot better for me as I will get an additional 36$ back due to all of that so in total I will get 136$ back...( i get 12% back for every game I purchase at best Buy btw master card, silver membership and gamer club stuff) so that will put each game at 33$, hard to beat....( I will pay 60 and get 27$ back per game, I don't think you can get them cheaper anywhere on release day...)

I had considered switching to Amazon but the Amazon Visa isn't as great and you can't use the cash back on kindle purchases which are my main amazon purchases).

Yeah the silver stuff is pretty good, but you have to spend a ton to get that status, and buying expensive stuff elsewhere is just cheaper in the long run (that and I don't buy much expensive stuff).

I'm a member of the RewardZone Dining thing, and I eat out all the time, so you'd think I'd be making bank, but they can't seem to get any restaurants I go to on it.

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fadetoone said:
Ail said:

I go to Best Buy every Friday at lunch..

I am a silver reward zone member and I have a reward zone mastercard so i get 20 to 30$ of free stuff every month ( I get 2% back as Best Buy certificates on every restaurant bill for example, 1% on every other purchase, 5% on Best Buy purchases).

That deal is actually a lot better for me as I will get an additional 36$ back due to all of that so in total I will get 136$ back...( i get 12% back for every game I purchase at best Buy btw master card, silver membership and gamer club stuff) so that will put each game at 33$, hard to beat....( I will pay 60 and get 27$ back per game, I don't think you can get them cheaper anywhere on release day...)

I had considered switching to Amazon but the Amazon Visa isn't as great and you can't use the cash back on kindle purchases which are my main amazon purchases).

Yeah the silver stuff is pretty good, but you have to spend a ton to get that status, and buying expensive stuff elsewhere is just cheaper in the long run (that and I don't buy much expensive stuff).

I'm a member of the RewardZone Dining thing, and I eat out all the time, so you'd think I'd be making bank, but they can't seem to get any restaurants I go to on it.

Actually the silver stuff isn't expensive at all as it doesn't have to be Best Buy purchases.

Any purchase with the mastercard qualifies so I just have to charge 2500$ on my mastercard/year to make it and I usually make that in 5 months...

I pay all my food purchases with the card so even at 6$ a day for Jimmy Jones , Subway or Wendy's, it adds up...That alone is 200$/month that counts for silver and on which I get 2% back as reward zone cash.. Add a restaurant once in a while with the wife and it really adds up.

heck it can be groceries or gas, anything you want...

If I actually had a bigger credit limit on the card I would probably put every purchase I make on it but as it is I try to not spend more than 50% of the limit to help my credit score...( that and my other credit card has better cash rewards for non food/ non best buy related purchases).

That only works if you have the mastercard though....Otherwise it is Best Buy stores purchases only...


PS : heck if I felt like it I could make silver by paying my Amazon purchases with my Master Card...

I think this year I made silver in 5 months and I doubt I had spent more than 700$ at best Buy in those 5 months ( and only that much because I had to get a laptop for my step-daughter).


If you get the card it is really a good deal. It is a Mastercard so you have to pay around 50$ a year for it but I figure I get around 200$ back a year thanks to it so it is still worth it...( and every year the credit limit increases so I charge more to it and get more back)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

well I just finished Dead Money DLC for Fallout New Vegas.
I have to say for a DLC it was quite long and interesting, quite hard too...

good enough in fact to make me purchase the second DLC today...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I just received my Copy of Dirt3 for £9, Thank you Tesco's!!
Also hoping we EU peeps get the NFS DLC discount this week that US had a few weeks ago.

@Ail With those rewards cards thats the best deal I've heard on day 1 to get games for $33. Even cheaper than the PS1 era at $40 per game.

Currently, I also have Battlefield 3 Limited Edition, and LOTR: War in the North fully paid for with gift cards. And so far this year I haven't had to pay for a single retail game by using last years gift cards from purchases, trade-ins, and my amazon credit card rewards. LBP2, Dead Space 2, Killzone 3, Crysis 2, Portal 2, L.A. Noire, and Infamous 2 - all 7 games free. My goal was actually to not pay for any games out of pocket this year and I've almost got it all covered halfway through the year! Just need Twisted Metal, AC Revelations, and SSX. Oh and Modern Warfare 3... which I've thought about skipping. There will probably be a few more games I'll buy, maybe not day 1, including some of the new HD remakes like God of War PSP Collection, DMC Collection, and Metal Gear Solid Collection. And almost forgot about RAGE. RAGE is looking awesome.

You guys with me in thinking by the end of 2011 it was clearly PS3's best year yet? Even with just what's come out already and if only Uncharted 3, Batman Arkham City, AC Revelations, Resistance 3, Battlefield 3, and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim were left I would still say that. We basically have had 1 game from every major PS3 franchise this year! 

Only ones missing are a new God of War and Gran Turismo. Could count a few once exclusive, but now multi-platform games also with no new Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, and Final Fantasy games this year. Not sure if MGS Rising & RE: Operation Raccoon City will make it this year. Final Fantasy XIII-2 is probably in early 2012 as well. I plan on skipping XIII-2 and just buying FFXIII Versus. If FFXIII is as bad as XIII then I'm probably done with the Final Fantasy franchise for good. Only way I would replay another Final Fantasy game is if they did the constantly rumored FFVII full HD remake.