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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

HideoK said:
1* - A game that takes absolutely no skill to achieve platinum and can usually be gotten in 1-2 days

2* - A game that takes a little bit/some moderation of skill and/or takes a decent amount of time to complete (30-50 hours?)

3* - A game that has moderate difficulty, meaning it takes quite a bit of skill to complete. It can also mean a game takes a fair amount of time to finish (70-130 hours?)

4* - A game that takes a lot of skill to finish, or one that takes a long time to finish (175-250 hours?)

5* - A game that either takes master-like skill to complete (Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2) or an UNGODLY amount of time to finish (White Knight Chronicles; so around 350+ hours?)
Yeah this is kind of the way I look at it. L.A. Noire falls into the 2 category in my eyes for the time it takes. I also think of 1 star games as absolutely no skill and very little time. Would probably raise a few of the 1 star games to 2 stars such as Tomb Raider Underworld (with all those collectibles) and Alone in the Dark (for conquering those controls. lol).

Overall I think we're pretty close to agreeing on most platinums though or very close as we are within 1 point. We're never far off like that should be a 5-star and its rated a 2 or vice versa. A 2 point discrepancy is rare here. It's usually nitpicking over 1 point. 3 to 2. 2 to 1.

Imo games that dosen´t require no skill that dosen´t take atleast 500 hours shouldn´t be 5 stars. Mortal kombat is also 350 hours platinum, should it be 5 stars?


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MasterVG71782 said:
I emphasize the point about long games that require you to actually be there and play, simply because I know of two that have ridiculous time requirements that don't need you (or anyone) there to achieve them. Mortal Kombat's trophy for mastery of all characters doesn't need you there, since you can just leave your PS3 on while in Practice Mode or whatever to get the 24 hours portion done for characters. Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls has a trophy that requires you to play for 200 hours, and people have mentioned that you can get the rest of the trophies within 100 hours, so you can simply leave your PS3 on without doing anything for that, too (the second Wizardry PS3 game has a trophy for 500 hours! and it's pretty much the same as the first one in terms of getting everything else done quickly).

the playtime trophy in Wizardry is a joke.

The one thing that isn't a joke is surviving moving 10 tiles in floor 10f without dying...

I'm kinda stucked right now, i cleared the first 9 floors but I get annihilated in every 10 floor encounter...

Leveling up isn't going to change things much as my guys are 22-25 so I guess what I need is better gear, which is not easy to get...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Got the Brink Plat on the weekend, not to bad except for the diffuse mine trophy which is pretty stupid as its up to someone else to get it for you.

Tbone said:

Imo games that dosen´t require no skill that dosen´t take atleast 500 hours shouldn´t be 5 stars. Mortal kombat is also 350 hours platinum, should it be 5 stars?

Personally, Mortal Kombat shouldn't be a 5* plat, simply because the player doesn't need to be there to play 24 hours with each character. It was known from pretty much the first week that people could go to practice mode and leave their PS3 on to accumulate the time needed for the 24 hour portion of a character mastery.

Ail said:
MasterVG71782 said:
I emphasize the point about long games that require you to actually be there and play, simply because I know of two that have ridiculous time requirements that don't need you (or anyone) there to achieve them. Mortal Kombat's trophy for mastery of all characters doesn't need you there, since you can just leave your PS3 on while in Practice Mode or whatever to get the 24 hours portion done for characters. Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls has a trophy that requires you to play for 200 hours, and people have mentioned that you can get the rest of the trophies within 100 hours, so you can simply leave your PS3 on without doing anything for that, too (the second Wizardry PS3 game has a trophy for 500 hours! and it's pretty much the same as the first one in terms of getting everything else done quickly).

the playtime trophy in Wizardry is a joke.

The one thing that isn't a joke is surviving moving 10 tiles in floor 10f without dying...

I'm kinda stucked right now, i cleared the first 9 floors but I get annihilated in every 10 floor encounter...

Leveling up isn't going to change things much as my guys are 22-25 so I guess what I need is better gear, which is not easy to get...

Yeah, I know from the demo that Wizardry is not forgiving at all in terms of it being difficult overall. I remember going into the dungeon without getting any other party members and was thinking, "this game is absolutely nuts!" It got a little bit easier when I recruited party members, but it's still difficult. I was just mentioning that it shouldn't get a high star rating because of the time, since the 200 hour trophy will most likely involve the player leaving their PS3 on without them being there.

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Managed to synch my PS3. Left it on and came back about an hour later and it was done (not saying it took an hour tough ).

I jumped from 3 or 4% to 29% in lvl 18.

A lot of trophies.

I hope I do well next update.

Ps - Beat inFamous 2 for the first time (good ending). Playing bad ending now. Wont have plat by next update, but surely for next week.

Good game. An improved version of the first. The ending was good. Nothing amazing but it did the job.

Now I want to see the evil ending.

mattbfg said:
@xenostar I'm doing brink now, just got that annoying mine trophy to do along with audio logs, rank 5 and satchel kill for platinum.
If you need mine trophy still add me and I should be on 2moz afternoon around 5ish uk time and il help you get it within few mins


Hi Matt i already have the brink plat but if you need help with the mine trophy just add me and send me a message when you see me online, trying to get that trophy with the bots is a waste of time, yet takes only a few mins with another human. 

I was gonna trade brink, but there is free DLC out for it in July so ive decided to hold on to it till at least then, and hope the comminity comes back, it really would be a great game if you didnt have to play with the bots. 

@xenostar I got d platinum over the weekend to lol, I got d mine disarmed trophy with in minutes of trying for it thankfully. I went on level refuel and after picking up the canister I went and found a mine, stepped on it and had engineer defuse it for me straight away luckily.

It is a shame that it's mostly stupid bots and not enough online playing, at least some deathmatch modes would of kept me intrested. Im trading it in for bf3 later this yr me thinks.

Thanks thou

Decided to try and get the Enslaved Plat again this week, enough time has passed since i lost my save to YLOD and im actually just enjoying playing it again, might also get the pigsy DLC as its 50% off at the moment.

I Reckon it might get frustrating trying to find the last few orbs on each level, so far im like 97% complete on nearly all of the levels ive done, is there any easy ways/guides to finding the missing ones? once youve found them can you quit out or do you have to complete the level?

marciosmg said:
Managed to synch my PS3. Left it on and came back about an hour later and it was done (not saying it took an hour tough ).

I jumped from 3 or 4% to 29% in lvl 18.

A lot of trophies.

I hope I do well next update.

Ps - Beat inFamous 2 for the first time (good ending). Playing bad ending now. Wont have plat by next update, but surely for next week.

Good game. An improved version of the first. The ending was good. Nothing amazing but it did the job.

Now I want to see the evil ending.

Same here just beat the game with good ending and started the my evil playthrough I also thought the game was better than the first but didn't quite live up to what i was expecting overall 8/10