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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

I've tried several times and the closest I got was 13 or 14 of the needed 15 but for me there are way to many variables so I guess i'll just have to call it quits unfortunately

Just have to accept defeat and turn it into a humbling experience :P

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Woo got the infamous 2 plat over the weekend, definitely seemed easier than the first and it was also my 30th plat :D

Still looking for help for the 2 chapter 4 co op trophies in Portal2, to get that plat. I can imagine doing chapter 4 without dying aint a quick thing to do tho, so not surprised no one wants to try it.

KylieDog said:
I've never played Wipeout HD with the Fury expansion before, the new vehicles with slightly better stats and the new maps make certain trophies so much easier. I remember being hopeless at the zone 50 with airbrakes only trophy, but the first time playing the game in about 18 months, first race I tried one of the new tracks without many sharp turns and hit zone 41. I'm sure can get the zone 50 trophy easily with a bit of practice. Beat Zico will be easier with the Fury Piranha since it has slightly better handling and thrust.

Sounds like Wipeout HD should no longer be a 5 star based on what you & chenguo said. I downloaded Fury with the welcome back program so I will try to compare it to the original. I remember I was hopeless on the airbrakes only trophy too. 

KylieDog said:
HideoK said:
KylieDog said:
I've never played Wipeout HD with the Fury expansion before, the new vehicles with slightly better stats and the new maps make certain trophies so much easier. I remember being hopeless at the zone 50 with airbrakes only trophy, but the first time playing the game in about 18 months, first race I tried one of the new tracks without many sharp turns and hit zone 41. I'm sure can get the zone 50 trophy easily with a bit of practice. Beat Zico will be easier with the Fury Piranha since it has slightly better handling and thrust.

Sounds like Wipeout HD should no longer be a 5 star based on what you & chenguo said. I downloaded Fury with the welcome back program so I will try to compare it to the original. I remember I was hopeless on the airbrakes only trophy too. 

Beat Zico has been unlocked now...definitely easier.

How exactly does the ship make it easier? U still have to do a perfect lap. I´m not saying its hard i just don´t quite understand what u mean.


Kylie thinks everything that's not SFIV is easy.

I never said I didn't think this is a 5 star. I only stated GT5 is 3 times harder. Wipeout HD is still harder than the 4 stars I have. The only thing is that it was less time consuming than, say, GTA IV.


Edit: Actually I take that back. Wipeout HD is easier than Beatles Rockband, getting 100% on expert drums on Helter Skelter was possibly the hardest thing I've ever done in a game.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

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chenguo4 said:

Kylie thinks everything that's not SFIV is easy.

I never said I didn't think this is a 5 star. I only stated GT5 is 3 times harder. Wipeout HD is still harder than the 4 stars I have. The only thing is that it was less time consuming than, say, GTA IV.


Edit: Actually I take that back. Wipeout HD is easier than Beatles Rockband, getting 100% on expert drums on Helter Skelter was possibly the hardest thing I've ever done in a game.

I think I've spent more times on some of the GT5 tracks than I have spent getting the platinum for whole games...

Although I am hoepfull that at my current rythm I will get GT5 plat sometime in calendar 2011 !

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

KylieDog said:
chenguo4 said:

Kylie thinks everything that's not SFIV is easy.

That is crap, it is a very solid fact that after many games get ratings a patch or DLC that is released makes reaching a platinum easier.  Examples:


3D Dot game Heroes - Patched in US so some swords carry over to new games, some of the minigame things like the Dash one (which most people raised as the hard thing) were made easier, as well as a glitch discovered to make it easier.

Mirror's Edge - DLC made getting the time trial stars easier, no longer need to 3 star most time trials using the DLC.  Lots of shortcuts discvered since it was rating making thigns easier too.

Wipeout HD - Easier tracks for zones and faster car for beat zico.

Dead Space - Armour packs making Impossible where you should be starting from scratch easier since you start with super strong armours and weapons, Dead Space 2 the same with hardcore.

Demon's Souls - Self duping discovered, so no longer needs several playthroughs or mass farming items.  There is a guide to platinum the game in 15 hours on PS3T.

Dragon Age Origins - DLC means you can insta get the 3 level 20 trophies, cutting out many significant hours that would have been needed in two more playthroughs.

MAG - Requirements for ribbons and such were patched and made a lot easier.


...and so forth.

3D Dot Game Heroes - The pause trick for the Dash circuits still don't make it as easy as you think. People have said that they think it's not any easier than doing it the normal way. Yeah, they shaved 5 seconds off of the requirements, but the game is still quite challenging and decent in length for platinum. You need to play through it three times, one of which is a mode where you get hit once and you die.

Mirror's Edge - The game comes with 22-23 Time Trials, so you can get a total of 66-69 stars without any DLC. Also, you shouldn't bring paid DLC into the mix, because not everyone who goes after the platinum in a game is going to spend money to make it easier. Also, you still need to run the trials and have some skill at them.

Demon's Souls - From my understanding, I believe the self-duping requires the servers to be up, which will be useless once they're taken offline in October.

Dragon Age - This is probably one of the few instances where DLC might be helpful and saves time, since you wouldn't need to run through the game three times.

MAG - The game is still tough and the ribbons/medals can be a long and daunting process. The game is one of few that takes a lot of skill in order to achieve platinum. It's not easy to get 15 knife kills in one round, and it's certainly not easy to do it 5 times.

I think the bottom line is...

Everyone will have some opinions about which game should add a star or take off a star. The ratings may not be 100% accurate in anyone's eyes, but the most important thing is that everyone abides by it, making it fair for the league as a whole. And overall I think it's an enjoyable league with a trustworthy system.

It's like having a weight scale that's just a bit off, or a clock that's a little fast - it's still very useful, and definitely better than if you had nothing at all.

So perhaps go a little easier on the nitpicking and in turn make Arcturus' job a little smoother - he sure has a lot on his plate already, updating over a hundred people's trophy status every week. If anything, I say he gets a bonus star for every game he plats.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

I think we just need to establish what the requirements for a star are, so people don't complain about them. Let's start with the very basics... How do we think the ratings should be distributed?

a) Flat: 20% 1 star, 20% 2 star, etc. Roughly 1/5 of games are in each category.
b) Bell curve-ish, something like 10%, 20%, 40%, 20%, 10% for the 5 possible ratings.
c) Pyramid: 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, something to this effect.

Either a) or b) makes the most sense to me. I'd say b) is roughly where we're at right now, except the 1 stars and 2 stars are a bit more common than 5 stars and 4 stars, respectively.

What I'm saying is, let's all agree on a distribution. I think the relative difficulty of games is mostly agreed upon (i.e. LA Noire is easier than Modern Warfare II, etc). If we can figure out roughly what percentage of games belong in what category, there'll be less bitching all around.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

I just got Plat in Burnout Paradise (before the 30 days Plus PSN EU ends).