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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Well I got my new beast laptop from work and I decided I am going to game some on this one so I installed Steam and I am downloading shogun total war 2 right now...
Only issue is the HDD is kinda small , it's only a 150GB HDD and there's only like 70Gb free after all the software work ITs installed on it( but the reason it is small it's because it's a SDD).


PS : Frigging steam is decent but the download sucks. I thought Infamous at 7Gb was bad of the PSN, Shogun Total War 2 is 18Gb!!!!!!!!!

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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inFamous 2 plat!

Just finished Wipeout HD. Not too bad, got the plat last night and mopped up some Fury trophies today. For being both 5 stars, it's amazing what the difference between Wipeout and GT5 is... If Wipeout is 5 GT5 has got to be 15+.

Great game though, glad I got to play this for free, thanks to the welcome back program. Shame that otherwise I wouldn't have played it. If you still have a free download left, use it on Wipeout! Highly recommended.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes




Congratz aswell.

A bit overrated right? Now your next should be Ngs2 :)


Tbone said:




Congratz aswell.

A bit overrated right? Now your next should be Ngs2 :)

Thanks I gotta say, action games dont suit me well. I have patience for doing infinite laps in racing games, but I get sooo frustrated with anything else. That's why I still haven't platinumed Vanquish yet. I'll gladly leave you and postofficebuddy to be the only NGS2 platters.

Anyway... onto Infamous 2!

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

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@marciomg enslaved ain't hard game, play on hard first as it's not really hard at all and the only pain is getting all the tech orbs when you track back through chapter select, literally got plat day ago

I recently bought the dlc for ACB in hopes of getting back into it so I could finally get my plat as all I need is one bonus (Extreme variety) but alas I have given up hope

First plat that has defeated me *Sigh* only way I can get it is if I be a pus and boost :(

Extreme variety is extremely hard to do without boosting. While it is possible (I did it once), a lot of the bonuses you have little to no control over (double/triple escapes, close call) you just have to get really, really lucky.

Uhh...whatever the not max kill bonus is named,
Drop Kill,

These bonuses you should be able to get pretty easily in any MP game. If you try a little bit harder/get lucky you can get Grounded, Double Escape and Triple escape. If you have to, you can boost but it requires at least 3 people. Good luck.

It's such a bitch to do regularly, I'd say just boost it and save yourself the trouble.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

If you're going to try to do it without boosting the best modes are the team MPs as you can grab a lot of the team bonuses in those...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !