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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Arcturus said:
KylieDog said:
Arcturus said:

From some of the threads on this site, it sounds like it could be a lengthy process to update your account password and get back onto PSN. Anyone else experience this?

I believe that is only for people who used fake e-mails or are using a PS3 the account wasn't created on.


Took me all of 15 seconds....

Thanks. I should have no problems then. Updating everything now.

My PS3 isn't the one I created the account on and I was still able to change the password in 15 seconds on the PS3 itself...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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MasterVG71782 said:
Draven26 said:

Sony welcome back/customer appreciation program  (free games)

Not bad at all and I'm quite surprised by the selection (I thought it was going to be cheap PSN games). It's just too bad that I own the bigger games, so I'll be getting Super Stardust and Wipeout HD.

Anyone who has Wipeout care to share how much space it takes on the HDD?

Infamous is the only one on that list I don't have so I guess that is what I will get..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Arcturus said:

Everything is updated and ready to go for tomorrow. I was able to change the password of my main account via my PS3, but for some reason I was forced to update the passwords for the two league accounts via email/web. It was still quick and simple to update....not sure what others on this site were complaining about.

I think if you requested the change from the web it wasn't going through very fast when it first came back online (not sure about now).

MasterVG71782 said:
Draven26 said:

Sony welcome back/customer appreciation program  (free games)

Not bad at all and I'm quite surprised by the selection (I thought it was going to be cheap PSN games). It's just too bad that I own the bigger games, so I'll be getting Super Stardust and Wipeout HD.

Anyone who has Wipeout care to share how much space it takes on the HDD?

1873 mb.

Personally i won´t get any game lol. Have 3 of them and platinum and not interested in Littlebigplanet .


Ail said:

Infamous is the only one on that list I don't have so I guess that is what I will get..

Nice, I'm surprised you never played inFamous before. The sequel is my 2nd most wanted game right now behind Uncharted 3. As for me I have all on the list except for the Fury expansion to Wipeout HD. Might as well get it even if I never play it. I'll take a digital copy of inFamous too.

Around the Network
Ail said:
MasterVG71782 said:
Draven26 said:

Sony welcome back/customer appreciation program  (free games)

Not bad at all and I'm quite surprised by the selection (I thought it was going to be cheap PSN games). It's just too bad that I own the bigger games, so I'll be getting Super Stardust and Wipeout HD.

Anyone who has Wipeout care to share how much space it takes on the HDD?

Infamous is the only one on that list I don't have so I guess that is what I will get..

Will be getting Wipeout and from what it seems another non-platinum :)

Still should be a fun game to own. Probably will also pick up Dead Nation.

Under siege trophy list.

No more heroes trophy list


And people already got Mortal kombat platinum.

Nr 1 is not a big surprise.


Tbone said:

And people already got Mortal kombat platinum.

Nr 1 is not a big surprise.

Yeah, the only really big roadblock for MK is that Mastery of All Fighters trophy, since it requires 14 days (28 days worth if you do it individually for each character) worth of playtime alone (if you spend all your time using the trick of Tag Team for the 24 hours part), although it's more than 14 hours because of the -alities, X-Rays and blood requirements. It's a minimum of 336 (672 if individually) hours just for this trophy alone.

Of course, there are also other trophies in the game, like the Tower ones, Story mode, and Ladder with all characters. There are the online trophies as well, so this game will probably take upwards of 400 hours minimum for the plat, with a max of like 725-750.

Dynasty Warriors 7 - Platinum Trophies Holders
