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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Haven´t played anything for quite awhile. I was thinking about getting Vanquish though.

Do u guys recommend it?


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KylieDog said:
Tbone said:

Haven´t played anything for quite awhile. I was thinking about getting Vanquish though.

Do u guys recommend it?

I though it was repetitive, the boost feature a gimmick that gets old fast, a generally generic game otherwise, not particularly high quaity and the story/acting are just awful.

Thx for your thoughts. I liked the demo actually. I´m gonna see if i can find it cheap.


Tbone said:
KylieDog said:
Tbone said:

Haven´t played anything for quite awhile. I was thinking about getting Vanquish though.

Do u guys recommend it?

I though it was repetitive, the boost feature a gimmick that gets old fast, a generally generic game otherwise, not particularly high quaity and the story/acting are just awful.

Thx for your thoughts. I liked the demo actually. I´m gonna see if i can find it cheap.

It will not be your GOTY but it is definitely worth a playthrough (which you can complete fairly quickly). Pretty graphics, entertaining combat for a short-period. Wouldn't have wanted it to be 8 hours though. I'm certain it can be found New for $29.99

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

Argh...hope PSN comes back this coming week! The wait is getting long.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

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I was trying to get Bioshock 2 online trophies before the PSN went down - anyone who platinumed Bioshock 2 what was the difficultly like - any tips on online leveling up and getting the Mother Goose trophy.

maverick40 said:

Can I sign up to this?

Looks like you qualify, just read the OP and follow the instruction and PM Arcturus

Gone back to try and get the borderlands platinum, forgot how good it was, cant remember why i actually stopped playing it in the first place. 

Quite funno tho cos id not played it since my last YLOD, i didnt have the trophies for it on my PS3 and obviously with no PSN couldnt sync them after id installed them, So when i loaded up my save which i had thankfully backed up it started unlocking trophies like crazy :D, unfortunatley not all of the ones that i had previously got, so really need PSn to come back up so i can figure out exactly what ive got left to do :)

@a203d it's a matter of grinding through and picking up the challenges exp to boost ur level, try to grab big daddies suit when possible and just b greedy to kill everything, collect vials and fix guns or booby trap machines where ever possible 

A203D said:

I was trying to get Bioshock 2 online trophies before the PSN went down - anyone who platinumed Bioshock 2 what was the difficultly like - any tips on online leveling up and getting the Mother Goose trophy.

Yeah the biggest boost was to read your list of challenges and finish those. I think some of the later ones awarded 5,000xp. Imagine the online has died down a lot by now so it will take a lot longer to reach max lvl.

No real tips for the Mother Goose trophy. Just need to be fast to pick up the sister and hope the other team doesn't find you before you get her to the vent. Drop the sister if you get into a firefight and pick her up again afterwards.