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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

marciosmg said:
Ail said:

Yep, I'm close to completing hero mode on the mage ( up to chapter 10).

Man, you got Dungeon Hunter: Alliance and Dead nation like me? Are you stalking me?

Im in lvl 11 on Dungeon Hunter with my warrior (lvl 35 now)

Also, I am onm the 7th level on Dead Nation on Grim. Some parts are tough.

I have had Dead Nation for a while but I never found the time to play it.

But yeah some parts are really rough.

You need to do something for Brazil because it's not doing so great in country ranking...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Finally the grind is over and Dynasty Warrior 7 plat is mine !

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:

Finally the grind is over and Dynasty Warrior 7 plat is mine !

Congrats, but couldn't you have waited so I could relish in the glory of being the only person to plat it? :P

MasterVG71782 said:
Ail said:

Finally the grind is over and Dynasty Warrior 7 plat is mine !

Congrats, but couldn't you have waited so I could relish in the glory of being the only person to plat it? :P

Nope :P

You're lucky I didn't know about the two controllers or I might have beaten you to it ;)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Got the Dead Space 2 platinum trophy today - and it's actually my birthday too! =P

Now for a Hardcore Mode report...

My 3 saves were:

1. Chapter 7 - before the solar array.

2. Chapter 13 - right after the giant drill sequence.

3. Chapter 13 - right before the eye surgery.

Died 5 times (arranged in death order):

1. Chapter 3 - Breakable glass part with Exploder. I didn't break the glass, but I shot the Exploder and died. The explosion distance is pretty far - I seriously thought I was safe.

2. Chapter 1 - One shotted by the first Puker encounter. Without any armour they one-shot you at close distance.

3. Chapter 2 - The first time that the Exploders appear. I sorta just tested it out again, shooting the Exploder at a fair distance (but still not far enough), and died again.

(So after learning that you really need some serious distance from the Exploders, I advanced carefully and made it to Chapter 7. Was gonna save after the solar array, but getting kinda shaky after staying alive for so long, so I thought I'd play it safe and make my first save just before.)

4. Chapter 14 - Got into an awkward position between the Hunter and another Necromorph, and got hit real hard by the Hunter and died.

5. Chapter 14 - Died at the eye surgery.

(I was attempting to make my last save just before the last boss, since my second save is already at Chapter 13. But after those deaths I got sick of playing that section again, so just made my last save just before the eye surgery.)

I just used the Plasma Cutter and the Force Gun the whole game. The deaths made me waste around 5 hours.

And I attempted Hardcore just after my Casual difficulty playthrough, so I breezed through Zealot mode with the Hand Cannon in just 3-4 hours.

All in all a great game! Don't really care about multiplayer though - PSN is down anyways.

Oh, and if you actually stay to the end of the credits there's some radio dialogue there that hints a further sequel!

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin

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This psn downage is killing my trophy hunting, I m trying motorstorm before finishing up mass effect 2 on hardest mode and with barely any time for gaming as is I'm sad I can't get d motostorm trophies online

Since PSN is down and i don't have any new games for trophies i've been playing Mirror's Edge time trials again after not touching it for nearly two years when i had originally plated it


Funny thing is i remember it being so hard that i couldn't beat any of my old times and probably would never get anymore than the bare minimum of 50 stars needed for the plat but I'm up to 59 now lol guess i've become a better gamer :D

Esquoret said:

Got the Dead Space 2 platinum trophy today - and it's actually my birthday too! =P

Congrats on the plat and happy birthday to you good sir!

Esquoret said:

Got the Dead Space 2 platinum trophy today - and it's actually my birthday too! =P

Congrats on Dead Space 2 platinum and thanks for the report! Only 5 hours wasted, not bad... I think I wasted around 6 or 7 myself. And I didn't even know you could die on the eye surgery! I remember wondering that, so I was very careful each time I attempted it. I bet it's got a funny animation when you mess it up.

As for the PSN outage it really hasn't effected me. Been too busy so I haven't played any games for the past 6 days anyways. Might start Portal 2 single player tonight tho.