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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Got the plat for Just Cause 2, with around 70 hours put into the game. Started playing Katamari Forever, and how I missed playing something quirky like this after something like JC2.

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mr_capello said:

just completed all lbp story lvls without dying... but didn't get the trophy

ever heard of a trophy bug on lbp or am I missing something ?

do I have to complete the challenges too ?

all the games levels that you can finish without dying you need to do those as well

Ok just 7 more levels up in Bioshock 2 and I'll have the Platinum.  Just finished the single player on hard with no chambers today.  Was much easier last half the game and easy once I got winterblast 3.

Wonktonodi said:
mr_capello said:

just completed all lbp story lvls without dying... but didn't get the trophy

ever heard of a trophy bug on lbp or am I missing something ?

do I have to complete the challenges too ?

all the games levels that you can finish without dying you need to do those as well

yeah I figured ....

took my some time to complete em all

going for the creat/share trophies now

so if someone needs hearts or plays let me know

Tomorrow the Bioshock 2 Platinum will be mine! Level 38 out of 40 and just need 12,000 more adam and I get over 430 per match on average :D

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mr_capello said:
Wonktonodi said:
mr_capello said:

just completed all lbp story lvls without dying... but didn't get the trophy

ever heard of a trophy bug on lbp or am I missing something ?

do I have to complete the challenges too ?

all the games levels that you can finish without dying you need to do those as well

yeah I figured ....

took my some time to complete em all

going for the creat/share trophies now

so if someone needs hearts or plays let me know

I need the Party Person trophy for LBP. Can you help? I can help you with some hearting (already got Create trophy but if you want you might still want to have a look at my LittleQuizPlanet).

marciosmg said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

I will put Dragon age aside for now and try Killzone 2 again instead. Dragon age is a buggy mess!!! dammit!

To me, the worst is the slowdowns in fights. But the game is so good I dont care.

A new PSN game was announced: Dungeon Defenders

Seems great. Im amazed by how many great PSN games are coming out this year. Castle Crasher, the new DeathSpank, Dead Nation and this. Its good not being a pirate anymore.

Agreed! tha game is good. Didn't notice slowdown though and my only problem are my PS3 freezing somtimes on battles and the bugs. I finish the game but just hating it right now because I didn't get the blight quellers trophy because of some bug.

NoCtiS_NoX said:

Agreed! tha game is good. Didn't notice slowdown though and my only problem are my PS3 freezing somtimes on battles and the bugs. I finish the game but just hating it right now because I didn't get the blight quellers trophy because of some bug.

I didnt even try platting Dragon Age. Im borrowing for a frined so I didnt even look at the trophies list before starting. I started playing a 2nd time but Im not enjoying as much cause the story is almost completely the same (except for the origin part).

So Im giving some time before I start again.

marciosmg said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Agreed! tha game is good. Didn't notice slowdown though and my only problem are my PS3 freezing somtimes on battles and the bugs. I finish the game but just hating it right now because I didn't get the blight quellers trophy because of some bug.

I didnt even try platting Dragon Age. Im borrowing for a frined so I didnt even look at the trophies list before starting. I started playing a 2nd time but Im not enjoying as much cause the story is almost completely the same (except for the origin part).

So Im giving some time before I start again.

Hey the second time you can take the oposite side from what you did the fist time.  It's the 3rd playthrough that's a killer.  Thank goodness for the gold glitch to buy your way to level 20

Wonktonodi said:

Hey the second time you can take the oposite side from what you did the fist time.  It's the 3rd playthrough that's a killer.  Thank goodness for the gold glitch to buy your way to level 20

Even so, Im finding the 2nd playthrough kind of boring cause i already know every detail. Butg in time I will try to play it again