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Anyone here still a hardcore trophy collector? I can't seem to get back into the mood of trophy collecting. I have Ghostbusters and Assassins Creed 2 here unfinished but can't get off BFBC2 to play them. I'm officially off of Mw2 at least until the new map pack on July 6th and even then i will only play maybe a week or so. The gam is getting ridiculous with modded lobbies and people getting aimbots and everything. Jumped into a room probably a week ago and someone had an AC-130 shooting thousands of missiles at our spawn and no one on my team could do anything. This guy had over 1000 kills and no deaths. I am so happy to hear Black Ops is going to release a beta. That game did it for me and Mw2. BFBC2 is my main game now

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I for one am running out of games to plat. After 3d Dot Game Heroes, I'm gonna go back and play Bioshock, which I've played a total of like 5 hours. After that, there's nothing coming out til GT5 that interests me. Guess I'll have to find something.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

I have a question , is there a way to see the trophies of a psn user who is not my friend

I thought someone posted a link but  I can't find it  via google or the forum because the search function is broken or doesn't exist anymore

Aside from getting a few trophies in RDR I haven't played much as the NBA playoffs and World Cup had/has my full attention.  As far as trophies are concerned, I will get them as I play games worth playing. I hope the newly announced Sly Cooper HD collection contains three plats.

mr_capello said:

I have a question , is there a way to see the trophies of a psn user who is not my friend

I thought someone posted a link but  I can't find it  via google or the forum because the search function is broken or doesn't exist anymore

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Goodfella said:

Aside from getting a few trophies in RDR I haven't played much as the NBA playoffs and World Cup had/has my full attention.  As far as trophies are concerned, I will get them as I play games worth playing. I hope the newly announced Sly Cooper HD collection contains three plats.

I think it's already been said that The Sly Collection will have all three games and 3 plats. I can't wait for that game to come out, as Sly was one of my favorite series on the PS2.

I have reached a higher plane of existence. Hell yeah! You have no idea how good this feels. Well ok, a few people do. I kind of wish this was my 500th, but 501st is just as good.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

@Marciosmg  Sorry to hear that man hopefully thinks will work out for you sooner than later


@Jboy  I aswell am tired of MW2s shortcomings but with any luck i'll only have to play it for 4 more months until the new MOH comes out and hopefully the online is decent and not like the BFBC series but a better version of COD until then i'll just mess around with the beta off and on until it releases


@Postofficebuddy  Congrats on your Wipeout plat!

Jboy0990 said:

Anyone here still a hardcore trophy collector? I can't seem to get back into the mood of trophy collecting. I have Ghostbusters and Assassins Creed 2 here unfinished but can't get off BFBC2 to play them. I'm officially off of Mw2 at least until the new map pack on July 6th and even then i will only play maybe a week or so. The gam is getting ridiculous with modded lobbies and people getting aimbots and everything. Jumped into a room probably a week ago and someone had an AC-130 shooting thousands of missiles at our spawn and no one on my team could do anything. This guy had over 1000 kills and no deaths. I am so happy to hear Black Ops is going to release a beta. That game did it for me and Mw2. BFBC2 is my main game now

I might have gotten 15 trophies or so in the last 2 months, before that I was averaging about 100 a month.  Was challenged by a friend who didnt think I could get to 10th prestige in MW2 by end of summer...I think he is going to win....I could get there by end of summer but not with my sanity, I can only get knifed from 30 feet away, or spawn on top of a claymour so many times. 


Add to the fact that I think my PS3 is about to die (fan jumps to highest setting A LOT now.)  was 90 degrees in my house yesterday and I was playing my Xbox 360 because I was scared my PS3 was going to overheat and die....something seriously wrong with that picture lol

Draven26 said:
Jboy0990 said:

Anyone here still a hardcore trophy collector? I can't seem to get back into the mood of trophy collecting. I have Ghostbusters and Assassins Creed 2 here unfinished but can't get off BFBC2 to play them. I'm officially off of Mw2 at least until the new map pack on July 6th and even then i will only play maybe a week or so. The gam is getting ridiculous with modded lobbies and people getting aimbots and everything. Jumped into a room probably a week ago and someone had an AC-130 shooting thousands of missiles at our spawn and no one on my team could do anything. This guy had over 1000 kills and no deaths. I am so happy to hear Black Ops is going to release a beta. That game did it for me and Mw2. BFBC2 is my main game now

I might have gotten 15 trophies or so in the last 2 months, before that I was averaging about 100 a month.  Was challenged by a friend who didnt think I could get to 10th prestige in MW2 by end of summer...I think he is going to win....I could get there by end of summer but not with my sanity, I can only get knifed from 30 feet away, or spawn on top of a claymour so many times. 


Add to the fact that I think my PS3 is about to die (fan jumps to highest setting A LOT now.)  was 90 degrees in my house yesterday and I was playing my Xbox 360 because I was scared my PS3 was going to overheat and die....something seriously wrong with that picture lol

Yeah 10 prestiges is a long time. took me about 10 days played to get to the 9th prestige. Its possible by end of summer but fuck that game. Also about ur ps3, i could be wrong but i think my ps3 did the same a lot too before it died on me.