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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Just got the Red Dead Redemption plat and if Im the first in the league to get it or any game for that matter you trophy whores have to be severely lacking because i never plat a game first =P


@Arcturus Thanks for letting everybody know and i really hope you enjoy your vacation you've earned it

Around the Network

Just got the Red Dead Redemption plat and if Im the first in the league to get it or any game for that matter you trophy whores have to be severely lacking because i never plat a game first =P


@Arcturus Thanks for letting everybody know and i really hope you enjoy your vacation you've earned it

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I was so close. lol

Im close to the plat. Just need to play more MP. But everytime I start playing Free Roam with friends, it always turns into a deathmatch between us and I dont earn any Xp.

@Marciosmg  I sowwi *Tear* forgive me :'(


Anyway what rank are you currently? I just went into legend but i highly doubt i'll reach level 50 again


@Marciosmg  I sowwi *Tear* forgive me :'(


Anyway what rank are you currently? I just went into legend but i highly doubt i'll reach level 50 again

Lvl 34. So still a long way to go.

Is it just me or ever since the update for this site there has been less posts in this thread than before.


Around the Network

Just got the Red Dead Redemption plat and if Im the first in the league to get it or any game for that matter you trophy whores have to be severely lacking because i never plat a game first =P


@Arcturus Thanks for letting everybody know and i really hope you enjoy your vacation you've earned it

lol, congrats but I feel sad too lol, anyways I'll take a break and will try getting more trophies from GTA EFLC and try platinuming GoW3, I heard it's not that hard. I just have the last 3 gold ones and the 1000 hit combo.

Getting Heavy Rain from Gamefly on Monday Hopefully =)

@Sabestar  Thank you sir


@Tbone  I've actually posted more since the update weirdly enough


@Gurglesletch  I really enjoyed Heavy Rain one of my fav games this gen

Damn, I should have kept track. I wanted Transcendence to be my 500th trophy, it's going to be my 501st.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

Just got back from a short vacation and a wedding myself.  But the new format definitely is stopping some people from posting and we know we lost Fadetoone because of it.