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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Tbone said:

Only 5 people got a plat past week, has it ever been that low?

Great work Arcturus.

Yeah, it is quite low. The average is usually closer to 15 platinums or so. It was a slow week I guess.

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Arcturus said:
KylieDog said:

Thanks for work, perhaps request an edit button be added to the 'view post' page.


Also, am I the only one who cannot see all of the leaderboard?  Part of the list to the right after the 'points' section is cut off.

The last column of the main leaderboard is cut off for me as well. I attempted to fix it as best I can. Most of that column is now showing for me, and only a bit is cut off now.

Good luck Arcturus. And as always, thanks for the hard work.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

Finally got the glitched trophy in Dragon age now I'll be able to get the plat no prob even if that does mean another 20 hours to get to level 20

Surprising nobody platinumed Red Dead Redemption yet :o.

I'm 80% into it and only have the multiplayer ones left. I love how on the leaderboards I have less trophies than so many people lower than me on the list and yet i have a higher score. Gotta love Gold trophies XD.


Hey guys, just a heads up - I'll be out of town next week so there won't be an update on June 15th. The next update will be the week after that, on June 22nd.

Around the Network

Thanks Arcturus, have a pleasant trip!

Yep, enjoy the trip  :)

Arcturus said:

Hey guys, just a heads up - I'll be out of town next week so there won't be an update on June 15th. The next update will be the week after that, on June 22nd.

going to E3  ? :D

Arcturus said:

Hey guys, just a heads up - I'll be out of town next week so there won't be an update on June 15th. The next update will be the week after that, on June 22nd.

No problem. Enjoy it. You deserve it. 

@sabestar  - I only need one more trophy - reach lvl 50 on multiplayer. Its a time-consuming trophy. Also, I have been playing with some friends and just messing around instead of just playing for more experience so Im taking longer.

PS - About the low plats week. I guess we are reaching the time of year where people really slow down their trophy whoriness.

PS2 - Thanks Arcturus for the great job.

Busiest member this week? Not sure if that's good or sad haha.

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo