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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

@Chenguo4 I second that LOL

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KylieDog said:
Draven26 said:
KylieDog said:
My PSN list was just wiped of a LOT of names. Some names deleted I wasn't sure who they were so if was anyone in the league there are no hard feelings I just didn't recognise your PSN name.

I am going to go in a corner in cry now lol


Argh, I knew I'd delete someone.  Add me back if you want, the purging of my list was just to wipe the large collection of people who I haven't played with or communicated with in a long long time. 

I do the same. I try to keep everyone from the league on there though

yeh same here, i only really delete the annoying ppl who keep spamming messages about map pack crap or free stuff that aint.

@marcio how is RDR? im still unsure with it at the moment

I guess Capcom was trying to pull a EA with Lost planet 2 but instead they added a trophy which requires to play for 6 months lol. But this was just stupid really what on earth makes that they can force people to play the same game for 6 months.

Well i have made up my mind i won´t even put the game in my ps3 its going right back to gamestop.


KylieDog said:
I doubt trophies are a form of DRM now. I think someone said you can get it just altering the PS3s date.

Been trying the trials on SSFIV. I think I may eventually get them all, unlike the first game you can save after every single combo since each trial is just the one combo. It means can just practice one over and over and finally save when you get it.

It doesn't make them easier at all but it means you don't have to keep trying for so long to get a bunch at once before it'll save.

Though are still a few I think are bollocks and may never get. Whats annoying is that a bunch of trophies are all linked, like get all icons trophy you need finish every single trial which is its own trophy...

What do u mean.

Actually i don´t even care about the game not gonna play it at all.

I have only 6 trials left on SF4 but they are really pain, if u know an easier way to beat Vipers 3-5, El fuertes last Hard and Gens last Hard let me know

Btw: U do them with a stick?


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KylieDog said:
I didn't really try for regular SFIV plat, I had one trophy bug on me so I just never bothered with a bunch of others.

Yeah I use a stick, got a Tournament Edition one. I find it easier than everything except for double 360 motions, I tend not to properly hit the upwards parts. I'd train myself out of it but I rarely play any characters with a need for it. When I do the rank C for everyone trophy in SSFIV though I'll make the effort.

Trials, beating the game on hardest mode and rank everyone to rank c will be pain.

Is the stick worth it? they are quite expansive 150 euros here in Sweden.


I'm down to 3 marks to 5 stars.  1 is easy and the other 2 (gigantaur and the 2 raktavijas) might pose an issue.  I started making a list as I was checking out stones to see if I 5 starred them yet and got about half way before I realized (and accidentally at that) that you can view your mission stats from the map.  That saved a bit of time.  Then I just have to do treasure hunter, which should be fun having only gotten 1 trapezohedron, but I guess I turn the 1 into 6 from dismantles.

KylieDog said:

Also...does no one like RTS games? I've Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 for well over a year but I've never done the co-op trophies. Since you need play every mission I'd rather do it with someone can chat with rather than randoms.

I have it for PC and haven't even finished the campaigns yet.  Tried out the PS3 demo and couldn't really wrap my head around the control scheme.  If it enabled the use of keyboard/mouse, I'd be all for it.

Has anybody seen the new Cod Black Ops trailer?

Looks like this could actually be better than Mw2. Especially if they really release a beta like they are planning to do

Finally getting close to beating GoW3 on Titan.
Some of the fights gave me serious headache.
I still will have to do an easy mode playthrough afterwards to get godly possession, max all weapons ( 2800 red orbs short and I'm fighting Zeus so I guess no maxing weapons this run) and grab a few other trophies...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I just beat Hades it was pretty epic. This game is like fine wine lol.