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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

And there you have it. I've officially maxed out my crystarium and got the trophy, and all I have is one ultimate weapon to show for it. Thanks for wasting my time, Squeenix!

For what it's worth, removing the collector's catalog only functioned to get me fewer ingots.

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Cleared 90% of the last post game dungeon in Star Ocean today.
I didn't try the boss at the end because I'm not ready for it and the whole dungeon is a no save zone...( and if somehow I went there and killed it it woudn't have been good either as there is a battle trophy to kill it under 10 min with a specific character and I don't have the gear for that and once you kill it once the next time it has double the hps........)

It took me 3h30 to reach level 19, the boss is on level 20, and all of this, with no save !
There is an exit every level but if you die, all the time you spent in that dungeon was for nothing..........

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Finally after 141 hours i got FF13 plat


Tbone said:
Finally after 141 hours i got FF13 plat

Holy crap! What have you been doing?

I got mine at 78 hours play time on the clock with probably about 10 in farming and death reloads.

Wagram said:
Tbone said:
Finally after 141 hours i got FF13 plat

Holy crap! What have you been doing?

I got mine at 78 hours play time on the clock with probably about 10 in farming and death reloads.

Dunno i guess i was grinding for nothing at first arrival on Gran pulse lol.

Unless they add some dlc with trophies i doubt i will put the game in my ps3 anymore lol.


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I don't even plan to take that long with my existing problem....

@ail thats some serious effort you got going on especially with the no save option, the more you post the more it sounds like your well on your way to a 5* platinum

I sold EVERYTHING on White Knight Chronicles last night to see how close I would get to the 10 million trophy and I ended up with just a bit over 6.1 mill, so I definitely have quite a ways to go before I will get that trophy.

Ok, so what's the best strategy for these shao long bastards? I 5 starred the guy that drops the gold watch, but I can't seem to put a dent in this guy...

mattbfg said:
@ail thats some serious effort you got going on especially with the no save option, the more you post the more it sounds like your well on your way to a 5* platinum

I am still very far away from the plat.

I may have 52% of the trophies but I'm nowhere halfway to the plat...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !