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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GH:WT Song Editor Impressions on IGN

So, according to IGN's hands'on with the music eitor in GH:WT, the limit for created material in the editor will be 1200 notes or 3 minutes. Seems kind of on the short side for recreating a full song. I thought, if they had a limit, it would be more like 4 to 4 and a half minutes, since that's a bit closer to "average" song length for the type of music in the game.

I'm still getting the game, don't get me wrong, but I was wondering if this changed anyone's perspective on the  music editor being the "Rock Band killer" feature it was touted to be? To me, 3 minutes seems awfully short, and taking away the music editor doesn't leave GH:WT with much to hold up that makes it superior, features-wise, to Rock Band 1 and 2.

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