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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Another Euro price cut? GB - $130 - $170 - $220 or US - $232 - $302 - $393

"The Arcade Xbox 360 will drop to GBP 129.99, the Premium unit to GBP 169.99, and the Elite console to 229.99, according to scans from the upcoming Woolworts catalogue, photographed by Engadget."

Converted to U.S again: GB - Arcade $130 - Premium $170 - Elite $220 US

                                         - Arcade $232 - Premium $302 - Elite $393

Link -

It looks like they were deadly serious when they said they were going to take 2nd place world wide and these pricecuts are a testament to that. Also it looks like the price-cuts in Woolworths were just a movement in the official prices.

As these prices are pretty similar to the U.S prices before anyone who says that its desperate I think they need to consider that the price cuts bring them about level with the U.S prices.


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WOOT!! second place is reality!! :)

even a hardcore european playstation fan shouldnt be able to resist those prices...providing this rumour is true that is.

If this is a Microsoft-led drop then the Xbox 360 is going to have a VERY strong Christmas worldwide this year.

It also significantly pressures Sony to drop their prices worldwide.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Oh Squilliam....while I share you enthusiasm and join in your continued support of the 360 engine, I have a feeling you will get a lot of........"Well, there was already a price cut in Europe and look what good it did, blah, blah".

I really like how MS is really pushing the 360 this holiday and cutting prices globally. The January 2009 WW numbers will tell the full story, so lets just cross our fingers, wait, and see.

Microsoft strategy seems to be "Get to it before Sony"

They hit the Shooter genre first.

They hit the WRPG genre first.

They hit the JRPG genre first.

Now they're hitting the $200 mark first.

@Starcraft - Heres hoping... They are definately setting themselves up for their third console.


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wow i thought the PS3 fanboys would be tearing up this thread by now?

well ps3 could lower the price in europe then, thats a region where they can afford to do so





it will be outsold still.

Well, could all backfire on MS. So they'll get a short term lead. Come next year Sony will have a price drop and Sony will sell more than the 360. It seems desperate and I feel it will be short lived.

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