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Forums - Sony Discussion - My PS3 Broke!!!

megaman2 said:
WTF stop posting this trash so what if it broke, we dont want to know. I hate when people post when their ps3 brakes, for fuck sake if people were to do that for every 360 that broke, this site will be over taken!!

Grow a dick and stop whining!


Translation:  Wah wah wah.  I have been bashing the 360 for the RRoD, but I don't want to hear about the recent rash of "my PS3 is broken" threads because it's about my console of choice, and my console of choice simply CANNOT break. 

News flash for you:  this site and every other video game site on the internet WAS overtaken by "my 360 got the RRoD" threads.  360 fans endured it.  Why don't YOU stop whining and try to help the guy out instead of being an ass hat.

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Bobo012893 said:

What the hell!!! I thought PS3's were supposed to be extremely reliable. My 360 lasted 2 years and my ps3 can't even last one. I don't think I have the receipt so what should I do?


You have the "error 801xxxxxx" problem. It's caused by a installation corruption and causes the lens to malfunction. Find your receipt, send it back to Sony, and wait 3-4 weeks for it. The "error 801xxxxxx" is a problem that can always be repaired, so don't worry about getting a different PS3 in return.

Dust it, clean it, backup the data, backup your save files SEPARATELY, and make sure there's no cards or disc in the PS3 before sending it back. I know it sucks, but once you get it repaired, it shouldn't happen again (hopefully, for you and me).

bbsin said:
Bobo012893 said:

What the hell!!! I thought PS3's were supposed to be extremely reliable. My 360 lasted 2 years and my ps3 can't even last one. I don't think I have the receipt so what should I do?


You have the "error 801xxxxxx" problem. It's caused by a installation corruption and causes the lens to malfunction. Find your receipt, send it back to Sony, and wait 3-4 weeks for it. The "error 801xxxxxx" is a problem that can always be repaired, so don't worry about getting a different PS3 in return.

Dust it, clean it, backup the data, backup your save files SEPARATELY, and make sure there's no cards or disc in the PS3 before sending it back. I know it sucks, but once you get it repaired, it shouldn't happen again (hopefully, for you and me).


 k thanks

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893