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Forums - General Discussion - Transformers special edition. Blu-ray outsells DVD !

Pretty much expected this It's supposedly a good movie. And some dvd owners probably allready have the original version which mabey reduced the DVD sales somewhat.

Overall release combined was the third highest seller pretty impressive for a special edition release.

Most importantly Today DVD was out sold by Blu-ray.

This will just be the first of many times this will happen , blu-ray will surly be the top format and it's happening pretty quickly.

I occasionally hear people complain about blu-ray costing heaps more than DVD - simple solution look around more - the manufacturers are only charging a little more than DVD though retailers sometimes are overpriciing blu-ray discs to much.

Consided that the Blu-ray release is allways a special edition for any movie since it's in 1080P HIDEF by default, far better codecs and far higher data rate (fewer motion artifacts) than any other version you can get - i dont mind paying a litte more for such a leap in image and sound quality - it's always a special edition !.


PS3 number 1 fan

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If by "some dvd owners probably already have the original" you mean "The vast majority of DVD owners probably have the original" and by "reduced DVD sales somewhat" you mean "reduced DVD sales dramatically" you would be correct. Much like videogames the majority of DVD sales for new movies happen in the first couple of weeks, and very few people will every buy multiple copies of the same movie.

Supposedly a good movie? I expect the Rocketpig to enter here soon and damn all of the people who have bought this

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

This is like saying that when BioShock for PS3 releases, it will outsell the 360 version for the same week and that somehow signifies something and shows a future trend.

Well, duh. The game has been available on 360 for over a year. Those who wanted it already bought it.

Not news.

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Not overall sales.

Besides, the first week of Transformers in DVD was months ago.

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It's the Number 3 selling chart movie when you combine DVD and Blu-ray releases pretty impressive for a movie released over a year ago to make a comeback like this.

Even more significant that a Blu-ray disk for a title released over one year ago has come close to outselling the top selling DVD's and indeed outsold it's own DVD counterpart. !

This is good that it did not also make the total number 1 seller overall - can't break all the records at once.
When the next one falls i.e. a new movie release being lead by Blu-ray topping the charts at number 1 or even 2nd place (this made number 3 ) that is a pretty good indication that Blu-ray is taking over the new-release optical disk market - though i dont expect to see the number 1 position fall to a blu-ray till 2009.

PS3 number 1 fan

rocketpig said:
This is like saying that when BioShock for PS3 releases, it will outsell the 360 version for the same week and that somehow signifies something and shows a future trend.

Well, duh. The game has been available on 360 for over a year. Those who wanted it already bought it.

Not news.



stephen700 said:
It's the Number 3 selling chart movie when you combine DVD and Blu-ray releases pretty impressive for a movie released over a year ago to make a comeback like this.

Even more significant that a Blu-ray disk for a title released over one year ago has come close to outselling the top selling DVD's and indeed outsold it's own DVD counterpart. !

This is good that it did not also make the total number 1 seller overall - can't break all the records at once.
When the next one falls i.e. a new movie release being lead by Blu-ray topping the charts at number 1 or even 2nd place (this made number 3 ) that is a pretty good indication that Blu-ray is taking over the new-release optical disk market - though i dont expect to see the number 1 position fall to a blu-ray till 2009.


Yeah, but what else released this week?  Made of Honor?  So nothing really that interesting for the most part that I can see.

Aparently you still don't understand.

axumblade said:
It's not news but it annoyed all the people that hate Blu-Ray so I'm cool with it.


I don't hate BluRay (I actually buy it whenever possible now), I just hate false and/or misleading news.  Transformers BluRay outselling DVD a year later isn't news, that's expected.  Now DVD outselling the BluRay version a year later would be news.