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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - PSZero (Official Japanese Site)


- 14 Classes (I'm not sure if they mean PSO classes or PSU classes)

- New Maps

- Create your own characters

- No Beast race....

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

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No Beast......NO!!!!!!!!

Former something....

dib8rman said:


- 14 Classes (I'm not sure if they mean PSO classes or PSU classes)

- New Maps

- Create your own characters

- No Beast race....

Wait a minute. This is a Phantasy Star Online game? Oh crap, there goes my anticipation. Why the hell would they number it then? They only numbered the original single player RPG series. I feel duped.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

You forgot the most important thing. You can actually use the picto chat tool to comunicate. Looks great on Screen:

Soriku said:
Sweet. Looks awesome.

Is this an RPG game like the Genesis ones or an online game like PSO?


Online like PSO.


And it looks oresome.


Too bad I don't have WEP.


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Soriku said:



I'll still get it. Threy need to make a real RPG one though >:(




I'm only just going off the fact that it has wifi capabilities. I don't actually know squat about the core of the game, because I haven't really researched it yet. So chances are it focuses on offline aspects.


I saw some screens on IGN. Game looks really nice.

so it is one on the phantasy star online games ...well no thanks i hated those games

PSO on dreamcast was a great game on of the best games i played online, the community was excellent much better then the pc online games community

All pso needed was a overworld that could link the hole world together and more variety to the missions

If this game can evolve from PSO instead of PSU it has the potential to be great fun