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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will Nintendo wii sales fall with the 360 pricecut?

In Christmas, when Wii get sold OUT, I think that the people that don't find the Wii, would buy the Xbox 360

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TWRoO said:
Wii sales will go negative down in my opinion.

What! That's impossible ____


Ohh! I see what you did there....





Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

I doubt it.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

Wii will be affected.
It will now take the Wii 2 hours to sell out instead of 1.

Wii is still hard to find, I doubt it will have any effect. However, if it does it would be extremely easy for Nintendo to lower the price of it considering it probably only cost $100 to make a Wii (I believe it only cost $180 when it launched 2 years ago).