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Forums - General Discussion - Anybody catch this new show on Fox:Fringe?

Did anybody watch the new show on Fox, Fringe? I saw it, as I had nothing better to watch on T.V at the time, and the name J.J Abrams (Lost, Cloverfield) pretty much warranted atleast a try. I thought it was pretty good, some of the topics in the show are topics that I like (and i'm sure that i'm not the only one), and I felt that it was Lost (with their mysterious way of story telling, and always having a twist at the end of an episodes [so far in the first eps]) mixed in with pseudo science. If nobody has seen it yet, I recommend it.

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I did. I dvr'd it and watched later. I was .... meh.


action disrupted by stupid 'i love you moment'
flow of some parts of story
not enough explanation of events

I will watch one more episode before I decide to keep it on my dvr schedule.

yea the action was slowed down by those i love u moments, I didn't mind much. For ur last complaint, that is J.J Abrams' style, leave the audience lost and explain it much later.