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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What can you forgive to game?What you cant?

I cant never forgive if next sequel is just so bad...Like what happend in my fauvorite game, Grandia.

Well I did forgive Devil may cry 2,coz it was "ok".

I can forgive bad camera, and if its short, and dont have multiplayer.

How about you?



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i can forgive camera and graphics. And i can't forgive design flaws, bad optimisation and dumb dialogs


I would have never forgiven acclaim if they put cars in extreme g 4 like they were thinking of, man! leave the cars to f zero and speed racer! extreme g is about bikes! infact, if they dont make a properly made extreme g 5 im going to find it hard to forgive em!

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

I can never forgive a metal gear solid game without long and pointless cut-scenes

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

If an absolutely amazing game does not get the sequel/DLC treatment. The most recent one I can think of is Heavenly Sword...I want a sequel to that game so fucking bad.

I can forgive almost any development flaw as long as there are not too many and other aspects of the game make up for it.