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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which series is better: Zelda, Ressistace fall of man, or halo?

Toastboy, if you read this, make a tally. I imagine the number of people who voted for Resistance to be numbering in the low....single digits

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Stupidest question only aimed at starting a flame War. First of All Resistance has only had one game so you cant compare it to the other major series. And Halo and Zelda are completley different from each other.

Zelda of course though i do not condone blatantly stupid threads such as this.
I give all Zeldas a 9/10
All Halos a 8.5/10
and Resistance 1 a 9/10

psrock said:

This is what i got out of this question.

Who's better?

1. A hot grandmother who's already shelled out 14 kids, but might get pregnant again.
2. A MILF with three kids but hasn't decided if she wants more.
3. A hot teen with a child and expecting another one already in November.

My answer: I'd hit all three at the same time.

I'll one up you.......I'd hit all 3, and any of the 14 kids that are hot (and female).

Riot Of The Blood said:
Chrizum said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
Sephiroth357 said:

Aren't we going with trends?After all, Most Nintendo fans do. Correct? Maybe you should go look at the definition of average again.

It's a horrible console and it outsells the ones that have good games on them.

So than you admit the PS3 and 360 are better?



I'm not a Nintendo fan.

And of course the PS3 and 360 are better, no doubt about that. Wii is a POS for a gaming console but decent as a toy. I'm going by the quality of the games. And Zelda is the best.


Back to trolling I see? See ya in a week man.

It's not trolling, that's how I feel about the Wii. It's no different than if I said it's a great console. That's the problem with this site. Not likeing something seems to=banable offence around here.



Except you are bashing something and posting your opinion as fact.  That sounds like an attempt at trolling.  In my honest opinion, I think the most POS console of this generation is the PS3 (I don't think it is a POS console though, just the closest), because seriously, it feels like Sony has focused least on gaming, and just having all these other features.  I mean, I don't mind it but it kind of shows, unlike with the PS2.   However, I do think the PS3 does have a lot of potential.

If you had just said "imo, the Wii is more of a toy than a gaming console," or something like that, that would have been fine (hopefully).  If you weren't trying to troll, just try not to show it next time ;)


Beja-Beja said:
Stupidest question only aimed at starting a flame War. First of All Resistance has only had one game so you cant compare it to the other major series. And Halo and Zelda are completley different from each other.

Zelda of course though i do not condone blatantly stupid threads such as this.
I give all Zeldas a 9/10
All Halos a 8.5/10
and Resistance 1 a 9/10

You think Resistance 1 is a 9/10? Seriously?

Wow. You must have really enjoyed it. I found it full of unrealised potential, worthy of a 7.5 at best


I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Around the Network

NiKKoM said:
Sephiroth357 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Zelda. This isn't a fair comparison. I mark this as a question that should never have been asked. It's like asking, "Which car gets more women, a Ford Escort or a Dodge Viper?"


 Your right. Halo is in a total different league from Zelda and Resistance.


... in the Minor league?? While Resistance is in the Rookie League? And Zelda in the Major?

OT: Zelda!

I'm Pro sony on the consoles, and I'll admit Halo wipes the floor off of both games. Sales could prove it aswell.


Carnival Games = 2.01 M

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction = 1.30 M
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune = 1.76 M
Bioshock = 1.91 M

Going by this I determine that Carnival Games is the best of these 4 games, since sales prove it.


Omega_Phazon_Pirate. said:


Except you are bashing something and posting your opinion as fact.  That sounds like an attempt at trolling.  In my honest opinion, I think the most POS console of this generation is the PS3 (I don't think it is a POS console though, just the closest), because seriously, it feels like Sony has focused least on gaming, and just having all these other features.  I mean, I don't mind it but it kind of shows, unlike with the PS2.   However, I do think the PS3 does have a lot of potential.

If you had just said "imo, the Wii is more of a toy than a gaming console," or something like that, that would have been fine (hopefully).  If you weren't trying to troll, just try not to show it next time ;)

 Unless I'm posting some type of data, it should be obvious that it's my opinion. I don't have to like the same shit you people like, and if I think the Wii a POS so what? That's what I think and I have that right. That's what I can't stand about this god damn site. If you don't like something, you're automaticly trolling unless it's something that people say it's ok to dislike. It's just fuckin stupid how people can be over this shit here.


I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Zelda. OoT is like, one of the best games of all times. Resistance has 1 game, soon to be 2. Halo has 3, soon to be 4, and Zelda has lord knows how many...

And Omega, I'm not even mad at you or anyone. This is just that really bothers me. So I'm not really targeting this towars you or anyone specific.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!
