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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Opinion: there is a 0% chance that xBox360 will outsell PS3 in 2008

Billy D said:

It began with the death of HDDVD.  It ends with consumers tired of pumping money into Bill Gates' wallet.  The stain of RROD is a shame which can never be erased.  Since HDDVD is dead there is virtually no reason to be paying more than 150 USD for an Xbox360, and even at that price point, such a purchase is somewhat questionable.  Once hailed as a cheaper HD console to complement Nintendo's gimmicky Wii, it is now seen as cancer upon the video game industry, adding to the delay of games, its expensive online service, and ridiculously bland line-up all but ensure that PS3 and its superior blue-ray quality future proof capabilities will continue to outsell the Xbox360 for the rest of the year and for all time.  


I would be willing to bet many cans of Colt 45 on it.  

Oooooooooooh boy lol.

*hands him flame resistant shield*

You're going to need this. You're a braver man than me.If you don't make it through this unbanned, i'll tell other Sony fanboys of the things you've done this day. PS3 FTW!


*exits thread as quickly as possible*



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this is not flame bait it is an opinion so if it does get locked then it just proves that people on this site are incapable of hearing peoples opinions which is a shame.

plus i agree with you 100%. the ps3 has been selling well this year and will only sell more.

obieslut said:
this is not flame bait it is an opinion so if it does get locked then it just proves that people on this site are incapable of hearing peoples opinions which is a shame.

plus i agree with you 100%. the ps3 has been selling well this year and will only sell more.


Opinions and flamebait are in no way mutually exclusive.  Every time you post you have a responsibility to make your point with civility.

Many of the people who claim unfair bans are folks who feel they have a right to be rude, divisive, and insulting to others just because it is their opinion.  They assume that it's their opinion that is silenced and not their harsh rhetoric and they cry foul because they are ignorant to their own faults and unwilling to even consider that the blame might be theirs in any way. 

The rules are simple, flamebait is not tolerated regardless of whether it is associated with a statement, an opinion, a question, or any other type of remark.



To Each Man, Responsibility