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you've been here 4 months and racked up over 6,000 posts? the letters on your keyboard must be worn off.

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makingmusic476 said:
How many times must this thread be revived?

hes always gonna revive it

hahahahaha--hey i am new with XXXX number of posts---thats classic


^i think it was posted around july when he had no posts

Whooow, no-life'er...! 6000+ posts in ~4 months... How many keyboards did you destroy?! ...


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ismael said:
Prediction league!!!, when Soriku will have more post than benkenobi??, i say before next year

 it seems that i was very close in my prediction

i joined alittle over 2 months b4 u.....and you have a like 5800 more posts then i do...

Soriku said:
I'd say early next year. But possible VERY late December.

If you continue at your current rate you should pass him tonight some time =P A full month or so ahead of your schedule for early prediction. Well done.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Do you have a life Soriku? How do you manage to get six thousand posts in five months.

6000/150= 40 posts per day? No wonder you are always posting in every forum you can find. Do you go to school? Have a job? Play your Wii? Have a life? How do you manage this many posts?

ismael said:
4500 post in 4 months??!!! that's incredible i have made 127 post since february, funny, isnt it?

2000 of them are about Kingdom Hearts 3 coming to the Wii; funny, isn't it?