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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will SE support the Wii?

trestres said:

@sc~: I said PSP at best. Wii is capable of MUCH more than that. The game looks soulless, no textures, detail, poor shadows, lighting, small number of enemies. Even the official webpage looks piss poor. No effort at all, just a quick game made to satisfy the fans of an anime series that will never be showcased outside Asia.

And just because it's a new IP it doesnt mean it has to be a quick cash in. Namco has nailed it in terms of Wii support. All their announced games at least look good and are original ideas, not bought properties of an anime series that no one cares about.

My friend you couldn't be so wrong. Here is heads up Soul eater the anime has already licensed in America and not have way through the season yet. Also it already one the top watched animes in Japan right now so you sir probaly don't know anime enough to make that statement.


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bdbdbd said:
@Jo21: Umm... Didn't you just contradict what you said, or did i just misunderstood you?
So Nomura is a perfectionist, who can make rushed games.

And dib8erman said in seven months. It could reach higher numbers later in the gen.

@trestres: No, it's not stupid. I think i never implied it being stupid. The thing is, that you have various ways to get the support.


take it as a interim period, something in between to try something different


its was a new IP to try new things, not a full blown project like ff13 versus

Yeah they will just like they support the DS just give them some time.

No, they`d rather die than make a proper game for the Wii. There will be a lot of games for the Wii, but not even one quality, non port, non spin off game. And that doesn`t mean that their HD offerings are any better. SE is not part of the good guys anymore.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

err.. ok SC: I could of sworn I stated that Crystal Tools is a multiplatform engine Wii included... I don't know if you missed that part... or maybe I said it in another thread... there was a lot of FFCC refferencing last night.

@bdbdbd: Thanks for clearing that up... he missed that part I guess.

@trestres: It takes a while to make those kinds of games, Square invested far too much into HD, and the Wii is just so out of the way, they must be hauling ass to get back on track. It doesn't matter what Naroma or Wada wan't they voice what their investors want. Should Wada ignore the Wii he would be sued and fired and probably not in that order. At this point being an ivestor in SE I'd be looking at how Nintendo is doing what they are doing; this goes beyond just the generalization that they are releasing expanded audience games, I'd be looking at how they made the new Mario or the new Zelda, what are the values those games exercise and then mix and match with SE's values.

The problem is HD values arent Wii values, but that's probably going to be put to the test with Dead Rising, are the values of that HD game marketable on the Wii. Square want to get on the Wii wagon, and they are hurting bad to do it, the thing is they already invested millions into HD gaming, the point is to see some return on that.

I'm hoping that these investors have opened their eyes and stopped following memes and investor response, they should understand the gaming industry is very similar to the movie industry, the consumers are the ones they must please and not the producers or designers.

Take that into context with what I said above regarding Wada's want to go HD and understand he loves money.

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@Dib8rman I was assuming that the "technology" you were mentioning was crystal tools. Sorry.

damn dude you're always whining and yes i think SE will support the Wii just give them some time

trestres said:

Lazyness at Nintendo's HQ is notably big this gen, they aren't willing to make a move and get 3rd party support. My hat goes off to MS who are getting pretty good exclusive support, or at least support from companies that didn't give a fuck about them last gen. Nintendo expects all things to happen naturally, that is just so wrong and arrogant.

Microsoft goes in with a big wallet and buys the 3rd party support... and it's Nintendo you call arrogant?


the2bears - the indie shmup blog
the2bears said:
trestres said:

Lazyness at Nintendo's HQ is notably big this gen, they aren't willing to make a move and get 3rd party support. My hat goes off to MS who are getting pretty good exclusive support, or at least support from companies that didn't give a fuck about them last gen. Nintendo expects all things to happen naturally, that is just so wrong and arrogant.

Microsoft goes in with a big wallet and buys the 3rd party support... and it's Nintendo you call arrogant?


How exactly is knowing you won't get something in return unless you put in the effort or money, arrogance?


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Zucas said:
Doesn't seem too likely. 3rd parties are just struggling in Japan on consoles. They'll stay pretty much handheld centric until the next gen rolls around .

Even next gen, it will stay that way.  The Japanese are going to be riding trains a lot so they will mostly have to used handhelds for their gaming plessures.  Also, the hardcore market is on a decline in Japan due to no small part of the aging citizens in the Land of the Rising Sun and the decreasing birth rates there