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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will SE support the Wii?

Paul_Warren said:
"It's SE. They're all about the money. They will support the Wii, and their first "big" titles will probably be KH3 and DQX."

Unless they're on PS3.

Well I don't know. Dragon Quest is a Japanese focused series, and almost every game in the Series sold more in Japan than the PS3 has, and I don't see the PS3 picking up enough sales to take it. Even the Wii's userbase in Japan seems a little small for DQ right now, and that is why DQIX is going to ds. KH seems like it has a better chance though, but I don't want to get into that again.


Around the Network
Paul_Warren said:
"It's SE. They're all about the money. They will support the Wii, and their first "big" titles will probably be KH3 and DQX."

Unless they're on PS3.

Which they won't be.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

ClaudeLv250 said:
trestres said:
the_bloodwalker said:

From SE expect very little in the following two years (maybe E3 2010) concerning "big" franchises on a Nintendo's console

Instead of ranting and hating, support the other RPG developers that are putting a lot of effort on their Wii games .

As of TGS 2008, expect very little... I don't think there will be any Wii surprises there (except a new WiiWare game)

We won't see any game from them at this TGS. Everyone can feel free to quote me if they like.

I wonder who will save them from bankrupcy this time.


Why would anyone even bother with you? As soon as you're proven wrong, you're just going to find something else to fuel your self-loathing and bitchfests.

They could announce a FF13 game for the Wii at TGS, and you'd whine that it's not the FFXIII, and then come up with some retarded, nonsensical argument about how it's going to end up on PSP anyway or some dumb shit like that.


Relax, take a deep breath :)

If they announce something I'll eat crow. If they don't then you will look very stupid.


Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

Yes, I'm going to look very stupid even though SE already said they had Wii games in development because I've been the one bitching about them for thep ast 3 weeks. No, the smart person would say that every SE game ever is going to end up on the PSP, because that's a completely logical and intellectual train of thought that brightens up these forums.

It doesn't matter if you eat crow. You're going to find something new to cry and hate yourself over.

Go outside and touch the greass and animals. It's a lot healthier than revolving your life around Wii announcements. :)

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Hmm, if you provide me the link where SE said that, I will consider leaving my house for the first time in my life.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

Around the Network
trestres said:
SaviorX said:
Honestly, forget Square Enix and their Wii situation (for now).

Can we give a GIANT round of applause to Marvelous Entertainment? They are hookin' the Wii up!


YES, I applaud Marvelous, Namco, Sega, HVS, Activision, EA, THQ, Tecmo, Codemasters and Eidos. That's the way to go.

SE, Ubisoft, Capcom and Konami know what I think about them, this thread summarizes it.


Capcom has A LOT to offer on Wii !!!

They already made more games on Wii than on PS3 + 360 combined !!

Original Games: Zack & Wiki, Wii Love Golf with Camelot, R.E. U.C., Spyborgs...

Multi Platform Games : Devil Kings 2, Moto GP 08, Megaman 9, Harvey Birdman, NeoPets P.A...

Wiimakes : Okami, RE4, RE 0, Dead Rising...

Already 13 games + VC, And a lot more !!!

Konami and Ubisoft have a few games too !

Try Rage Of Bahamut ! Free trading card and RPG game on ITunes / Android. Use Code : Laa49998 

And get free  rare card.  Enjoy !


Paul_Warren said:
"It's SE. They're all about the money. They will support the Wii, and their first "big" titles will probably be KH3 and DQX."

Unless they're on PS3.


PSP and Mobile phones have a better chance of getting DQX than PS3.


it took square-enix a long time to start supporting DS heavily. with the Wii being downplayed prelaunch, Square-Enix pushed more resources towards ps3/360. Square-Enix will likely be shifting more resources towards Wii when they become available (when the HD games start clearing up) if they havent already done so.

what i find funny is that people expect there to be more S-E games than there already are while demanding that they not be rush jobs. a bit of a contradiction there. with the situation above, we shouldnt be expecting any games being released until sometime next year at the earliest...that is unless you are expecting rush jobs.

To tell you the truth: Who needs Squenix on the Wii? There are already plenty of promising JRPG from other developers for the Wii in production.

z101 said:
To tell you the truth: Who needs Squenix on the Wii? There are already plenty of promising JRPG from other developers for the Wii in production.

it's more about the perception that accompanies the support. sure there are promising titles without Square-Enix but when Square-Enix says "here's our support" the focus suddenly moves towards that console. consumers start to perceive that console as an RPG powerhouse.

take a look at 360. there were plenty of promising titles already. then S-E announces more support and it suddenly gets talked up as this generation's console for RPGs.