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Forums - General Discussion - PC Modders & Overclockers

OriGin said:
your mother said:


What are your CPU and GPU temps at idle and at full?

CPU Idle Temps - 37 deg
CPU Load Temps - 55 deg ORTHOS stress, so that is absolute max, anything else is 47 - 51deg


65nm pwnz :) 

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Don't really know anything about overclocking, but our current system is:
Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4 Ghz
4gb RAM (I think @ 677 mhz) with 700mg paged to the GPU
nVidia 8600GT
500gb HD
and a massive 22" monitor, which can display up to about 1600 x 1000.

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower


you need a 8800 to accompany that nice system.

Origin - Idle 66??? holy crap those are high temps for the 8800 GTS. I thought ATI was the king of heat lol

crappy old school NES games are more entertaining than next-gen games.

ihira said:
you need a 8800 to accompany that nice system.

Origin - Idle 66??? holy crap those are high temps for the 8800 GTS. I thought ATI was the king of heat lol

Yeah, even at stock this bad boy runs at about 61degrees idle.


The 8800 is one hot mofo, stock it runs up to about 78degrees at load.


I run Vista which means I can't use the fan control and standard it just runs at 50% all of the time, when I used to have XP I could get the load temps down to about 75 with the OC if I ran it at 100% all the time, but it's F'n loud at those speeds.

The in build 'underclock' temp is 95 degrees it seems and i've never gotten anywhere near that and I do a lot of stress testing :)


Tispower - can't wait to get another 2 sticks of this Ballistix ram that i've got at the moment, it's going to be tough as fuck having 4 gig at this speed :D

Also Tis, you should consider whether you want to put your 6600 up to 3.0ghz, it's VERY easy to do and will not require any voltage changes, heat will not change too much with the stock cooler if that's what you are running and you will notice some nice performance increase.


Umm...not to come off as an idiot or something but...could you guys explain to me how overclocking works? It sounds interesting, but I've got a really old PC. The specs are:

Intel Pentium 4, CPU 2.80 GHz, 2.81 GHz, 480 MB RAM

 How good is that? Pretty old, I know. I'd like to overclock it or do you just recommend me to buy a new computer? Thanks for the advice.

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Pentium 4's were awesome for overclocking, you should be able to put the clock speed of that up to probably 3.5 - 3.6 Ghz if not more... the 4's scaled really well.

Thats not to say that you should bump it straight up to a really high number though, it takes a long time and you need to do it in small increments.

The problem with your PC is the 480MB of ram... that seems exceedingly low... u sure it's only 480?

Well...that's the number that says when I go to MY PC, right-click, Properties (sorry, the computer is in spanish so I don't know the correct name in english) and then the specs of the PC are shown. It says 480 MB of RAM.

Okay... well it's just pretty low (the ram I mean) that's all.

Do you want a hand overclocking?

Can you tell me the model your motherboard is if possible?

Sorry, but I'm just a total newcomer when it comes to this stuff. What's the motherboard? Is it like the really big thing that contains the main parts of the computer?

I've got a diode on the motherboard which shines red when the current is on. I hate it so much. I really don't get people who enjoys having a "disco"-like computer, well maybe if you're 14 yo.

Instead, try to get your PC as silent as possible! A real challenge with benifits if successful!