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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The best next-gen gaming system is also the most expensive. FACT!

Of course the PC is better. The games cost less so if your a hardcore gamer you are going to be saving hundreds of dollars on games and you really only have to upgrade about just as often as the start of each new console generation. My PC was built in 2004 and it runs Crysis just fine at 1024x768 resolution.

I have never spent more than $1000 on a PC and PC games also always have way better resolution than a TV and a good monitor costs less than a HD TV.

PC Gamer
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RAcCoOnErOuS said:
Shoestar said:
RAcCoOnErOuS said:


Idc if your "new and Over price POS" computer is going to school mine, im not an idiot and going to waste 2000 dollars on a computer that i can build one for half the price..

You remind me of those annyoing People that buy a Hybrid car and thinks hes a badass...Just in this case you have a over price computer and you think your hot shit...

arrrrrrrrgh im done with this. kthxbai


Who said the $2000 one isn't built from scratch. Everything has been looked and catered for by me. From looking for the best deal on the corsairs ddr 3 and motherboard that would support both them the core 2 quad. From the powersupply to the casing... Graphic cards to the sound card.

Anyway, u just answered my question with ur silly response :) You called not wanting to waste 'your' time by simply writing the specs to ur 5 year old pc that would beat my computer and yet, which would have taken barely a couple of lines and yet u write a full paragraph wasting 'your' said time :) I'll pretty much put u down as all talk and no show...

Thank you for participating and goodbye :)

Lol, im not on "my" PC so i don't no what exactly i sure your computer is better than mine since you wasted 2000$ which i hope its better than my 600$ pc..I miss read your post and thought you had quad core..


But the way you type makes me mad, you think your soo Godly with your computer..


Just have fun with your 2000$ in the next few years your just going to ask yourself hmm? i could of use that money for Food...< lol that made me lol too i no i no =D

But anyway im going to leave this thread and make you think you won Since everyone should bow down to your Godly computer



A few posts ago you said that your 5-year old pc would be as fast as mine and now you are saying mine is better than yours. Your posts lack consistency as do any of your arguements whatsoever. As well, since you claim to have 'built' your PC, I find it highly unlikely that you may not remember the specs that would justify your 'previous' claim.

And no... again. It is not overpriced. I'm sure If I bought a PC with the same config from Dell, It would probably cost over 3.5k.


I've tried C&C on the X360 and the experience was horrible compared to the PC. For one thing, the load times are very bad and we aren't even talking about the drop in quality so as to allow the game to be playably fluid. My old AMD athlon 2600++ with 1gb ram and 256mb graphic card showed better graphics for it.

As for games requiring the changing of discs, I absolutely hate that since I wish to stop playing when I feel like it rather than being focussed on the game and then suddenly be told to get up in the middle of it to change the discs. It is not harder to load a game on a PC than it is to for example to browse through the xmb to select the game. In fact it might just be easier on the PC if u have a shortcut on your desktop.


I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

PC lacks SRPGs, JRPGs, Platformers, and fun non violent multiplayer games, and those are the games I like. IMO its not the best at all.

PCs seems to lack a large number of the games I love. Consequently it would be foolish for me to invest in a PC gaming rig over a console that has a lot of the games I want to play. Since the console is better than the PC for this comparison, the PC cannot be the best.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Hawkeye said:
PC lacks SRPGs, JRPGs, Platformers, and fun non violent multiplayer games, and those are the games I like. IMO its not the best at all.


The PC doesn't lack any of those sorts of games, I posted a few links before as to a list of countless rpgs people may have. As for non violent multiplayer games, there are a great many of them but that depends on what exactly u define as violent. If u mean just sit around and chat type of non violent, there is a range of options spaning from 'second life' or really nice graphics and free games like zu online which I think rivals the best console multiplayer. Did I mention it's free?



Personally, I like continuum as a small multiplayer game.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!