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Forums - General Discussion - The Official Beijing Olympics 2008 Thread

Yeah, because it's not widely documented that the Chinese government is pulling all sorts of tricks to keep the "real China" from being seen by the public... It's just an American conspiracy... Especially the CBC and BBC reports. Ugh.

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rocketpig said:
Yeah, because it's not widely documented that the Chinese government is pulling all sorts of tricks to keep the "real China" from being seen by the public... It's just an American conspiracy... Especially the CBC and BBC reports. Ugh.


Over here we don't see much about it almost nothing.  Who brought most of those stories up?  Yups Americans.  How many times do we see China complaining about USA?

You're acting as if many of these "complaints", as you put it, are new. They're not. And they're not an American fabrication. A lot of bad shit goes down in that country and the government is whitewashing it to look good on the world stage. If you want to blame that on The American press despite Canadian and British reports echoing the same sentiments, go for it. I'll stay over here with both feet firmly planted in reality, thanks.

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rocketpig said:
You're acting as if many of these "complaints", as you put it, are new. They're not. And they're not an American fabrication. 1)A lot of bad shit goes down in that country and the government is whitewashing it to look good on the world stage. If you want to blame that on The American press despite Canadian and British reports echoing the same sentiments, go for it. 2)I'll stay over here with both feet firmly planted in reality, thanks.


1)So there is not going on a lot of bad shit in USA?  The government should let see the bad side of China? Every country who have hold the Olympics showed their worst side?

Whats bad about trying to get a blue sky above Beijing?  They failed for most of the time to do it so laugh with China! They have smog! We USA are the most polluting country of the world!  What did ya say?  Signing the Kyoto Treaty to help with the environmental issues?  Of course we don't want to do that.. Spending money for the environement we are USA we don't need to!  No no,  spend more money on the military so we can shoot more of thost bastards in Iraq!

2) You mean putting your head in the sand probably making some stupid jokes about Canadians.

People protest those things in the US every day. Besides, this isn't about US policy. This is about you blaming the American press for questioning China over policies that first hit the world stage right around the time a Goddamned tank rolled over a student protester just a few miles from where these Olympics are being held.

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Well, Holland started off pretty slow the first week but we got our 5th and 6th gold medal today for a total of 15 medals which is pretty good for us.

Watching Usain Bolt yesterdat was great, the record really seemed untouchable until this Olympics. But it was nice to see him actually try and give his 100% effort for a full race.

Why are Jamaicans so fast!?

Hey, at least China's Olympics look good even if a lot of it is fake. The 2012 Olympics will be a disaster because our government sucks. The pride of the Olympic effort will be a swimming pool that is designed to be dismantled as soon as the Olympics are finished and taken to a random British city.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Why are Jamaicans so fast!?

Why do Australians swim so fast?

Btw, the US team just screwed up on the 4x100 meter relay for both men and women. Are they actually afraid to face the Jamaicans in the final?