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Forums - General Discussion - The Official Beijing Olympics 2008 Thread

oxford-gamer said:
Canada wins gold medal in wrestling.

Canada wins silver and 'redemption' in rowing.

Canada wins bronze in wrestling.

only took us 8 days to reach the podium. sweet.

Yay! I'm so damn happy that we still got something. By the way, for how long are the Olympics going to last?


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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^ until Sunday, 24th

Ugh my post is messed up...

=p Tss that Fina guy...It is very clear that Phelps (probably misspelled) won. I can't really see it myself who won but I would not call it very clear.

Oxford Gamer Canada wins gold in women's freestyle 48kg

Canada wins silver and redemption in Men's pair rowing

Canada wins bronze in women's 55-kilogram freestyle competition

...only took us 8 days to reach the podium.

But Canada Was defeated by Pakistan by 3-1 Few days ago

In hockey

Final Fantasy 8 The Graetest Game

A (international troll detector) in you Army



A bit off topic:

Video Games At the Beijing Olympics


Not as an actual sport, of course, but it's going to be an official welcome event: US based Global Gaming League (GGL) has signed a deal to make sure video gaming will be a part of the '08 Games, at least in some way. They're planning a tournament leading up to the games, all sorts of contests, actual competitive gaming, and ... more spectators than the actual Olympics?


But for GGL, and apparently for China, video gaming is serious business. "This event will be heavily covered by the media," says Fong Hong, who is honorary general secretary of the China Internet Gaming Organizing Committee, editor of a large-circulation national technology newspaper called Netizen and an employee of the Chinese Ministry of Information Industries. If he says so, it is likely to be so.

Says a very optimistic Owen: "We believe the crowds we'll get will be far larger than for the Olympic games themselves." The venues, still to be chosen, are likely to be big soccer stadiums - not unusual for gaming competitions in China and elsewhere in Asia. Video gaming is rapidly becoming one of the world's most popular spectator sports, with audiences, especially in Asia, numbering many millions both live and on TV.

It is a quite old article but it was something I didn't know.  Ugh now I am even more pissed that I had to stay for my work and had to sell my tickets X_X.

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What about Bolt? That man have amazed me, to win the arguably most prestigious athletic event with such ease, confidence and power. I was shellshocked that man is like a superhero.

Auch Deena is out of the running (she won Bronce at Athene).

This list was last updated after the completion of all Day 8 events.


Women running

Gold Romania
Silver Kenya
Bronze China

Bolt hasn't won anything yet, I'm pretty sure of that.

With that said, holy shit that guy is fast.

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