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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - We shouldn't let Nintendo win any more generations.

All what Nintendo is doing this gen is making a console that has PS2-like graphics, dildo-like controller and crap games, and unfortunately they are winning. If this continues than during the next gen all 3 consoles will be for casuals, since who would make core games that hardly anyone buys. The hardcore gamers will quit gaming, and the casuals will sooner or later get bored, so the industry will crash like it did in 1983.

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What's with the sudden increase in idiocy? We need more bannings.

I smell fire...

What a load of bollocks!!!!

Yes the graphics are shite but the control mechanism is the best i have seen and this thing about the hardcore leaving, if they were so hardcore why would they leave and to do what? and if they leave maybe it will be a good thing cos they probably haven't seen sunlight for a very long time