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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If you could go back in time to change one gaming purchase... Which one?

I would have waited a month to buy my PS3, that way I'd have gotten the gift card from wal-mart and the MGS4 bundle.

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Red Steel, Sonic the Hedgehog(360), Sonic and the secret rings, wii play, wii fit, and a few other Wii games. 1 PS2 game.

That and buying 2 PS2s by accident.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Not a gaming purchase, but my one gaming "regret" is selling my XBox360. At the time I thought of upgrading my computer and playing games like Mass Effect on the PC. But I've pretty much forsaken PC gaming for now, and really wish I still had my XBox360.

I'm with Mr.Stick on this one, I wish I had gotten a PS1 instead of the N64 >
Looking at the Orange Box and picking up haze instead because I had it pre-ordered, and I was pissed at valve at the time :P I'd never have gotten haze in hindsight xD I hold onto it today to remind me that good companies can be corrupted ;-;

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

i would have never bought a dreamcast or gamecube there were good councsles but they kinda failed and there wernt many good games

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PSP. hardly have any games for it

Wanting Wave Race on the Wii, I bought a game called Kawasaki Jet Ski on the day I bought Brawl. Holy Shit, Batman! This racing game was so bad, I finished 2 laps on the first track and threw the disc under my entertainment center. I wound up trading it in for $7.

It still smells like cat poop under my entertainment center.

Also, I bought Spec Ops for the Playstation. I could've given that $10 to a crackhead. It would've been a better investment.

This generation: Using my store credit to buy Rock Band.........if I knew about GH:World Tour I woulda saved my credit.

All time: Buying a game gear (only 2 games over 5 years......Sonic 2 and Surf Ninjas.........that's right......Surf Ninjas).

I wouldn't have bought chrome. It was such a disappointing game :(

my worst purchase is gh3 and rockband...they are boring after 1 playthrough, and they are becoming like tony hawk or other sports games....once a year crap (cept some tony hawk/ sports games have good replay value) :p